我是 Haskell 的新手,我正在尝试使用一个名为 graphics.gloss 的库,但我不断收到此错误,我不确定到底是什么问题。

PS E:\TicTacToeGame> cabal install base-4.2  
cabal.exe: Could not resolve dependencies:
[__0] trying: TicTacToeGame- (user goal)
[__1] trying: gloss- (dependency of TicTacToeGame)
[__2] next goal: bytestring (dependency of gloss)
[__2] rejecting: bytestring- (conflict: gloss =>
bytestring>=0.10 && <0.11)
[__2] skipping: bytestring-, bytestring-, bytestring-
(has the same characteristics that caused the previous version to fail:
excluded by constraint '>=0.10 && <0.11' from 'gloss')
[__2] trying: bytestring-
[__3] next goal: base (dependency of TicTacToeGame)
[__3] rejecting: base- (conflict: bytestring =>
base>=4.2 && <4.16)
[__3] skipping: base- (has the same characteristics that caused the
previous version to fail: excluded by constraint '>=4.2 && <4.16' from
[__3] rejecting: base-, base-, base-, base-,
base-, base-, base-, base-, base-,
base-, base-, base-, base-, base-,
base-, base-, base-, base-, base-,
base-, base-, base-, base-, base-,
base-, base-, base-, base-, base-,
base-, base-, base-, base-, base-,
base- (constraint from non-upgradeable package requires installed
[__3] fail (backjumping, conflict set: TicTacToeGame, base, bytestring)
After searching the rest of the dependency tree exhaustively, these were the
goals I've had most trouble fulfilling: base, bytestring, gloss, TicTacToeGame
Try running with --minimize-conflict-set to improve the error message.



1 回答 1


的版本base与 GHC 的版本相关联。看起来您使用的是 GHC 9.2,许多库仍然不支持该版本。您可以尝试传递--allow-newer给 cabal,但我预计这会导致其他问题。而是降级到旧的 GHC 主要版本。

于 2022-01-23T19:52:01.997 回答