我是 python 新手,正在 CS50 中做一个实验室 6 的问题,但遇到了错误:List index out of rang。尽管我已经复习了很多次,也看了课程的提示视频,但我仍然找不到解决这个问题的方法。请帮我。
# Simulate a sports tournament
import csv
import sys
import random
# Number of simluations to run
N = 1000
def main():
# Ensure correct usage
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.exit("Usage: python tournament.py FILENAME")
teams = []
# TODO: Read teams into memory from file
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
# The line 22 is to skip the first line of the csv file
next (reader)
for row in reader:
row["rating"] = int(row["rating"])
counts = {}
# TODO: Simulate N tournaments and keep track of win counts
for i in range(0,N,1):
winner = simulate_tournament(teams)
if winner in counts:
counts[winner] += 1
counts[winner] = 1
# Print each team's chances of winning, according to simulation
for team in sorted(counts, key=lambda team: counts[team], reverse=True):
print(f"{team}: {counts[team] * 100 / N:.1f}% chance of winning")
def simulate_game(team1, team2):
"""Simulate a game. Return True if team1 wins, False otherwise."""
rating1 = team1["rating"]
rating2 = team2["rating"]
probability = 1 / (1 + 10 ** ((rating2 - rating1) / 600))
return random.random() < probability
def simulate_round(teams):
"""Simulate a round. Return a list of winning teams."""
winners = []
# Simulate games for all pairs of teams
for i in range(0, len(teams), 2):
if simulate_game(teams[i], teams[i + 1]):
winners.append(teams[i + 1])
return winners
def simulate_tournament(teams):
"""Simulate a tournament. Return name of winning team."""
while len(teams) > 1:
teams = simulate_round(teams)
# "team" because the name "team" is define in the csv file. Because each element in teams list is a dictionary therefore
# we need to add ["team"] meaning we will only return the name of the final winning team
return teams[0]["team"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspaces/86940196/world-cup/tournament.py", line 70, in <module>
File "/workspaces/86940196/world-cup/tournament.py", line 29, in main
winner = simulate_tournament(teams)
File "/workspaces/86940196/world-cup/tournament.py", line 64, in simulate_tournament
teams = simulate_round(teams)
File "/workspaces/86940196/world-cup/tournament.py", line 53, in simulate_round
if simulate_game(teams[i], teams[i + 1]):
IndexError: list index out of range
我确实尝试使用变量 i 在每个 for 循环之前添加 i = 0 ,但它也不起作用:(