我在 pinescript 上的代码正在测试一种策略,如果一堆快速 EMA 越过一堆慢速 EMAS,就会发出做多的信号,而如果发生相反的情况,则发出做空的信号。为了维持风险/回报,我决定添加合理的止损和止盈。如果我排除止损并获利,它工作得很好,如果我添加它们,我会继续进入第 30 行“不匹配的输入 'enterShort' 期待'行尾没有续行'。” 您可以在下面找到代码:
strategy(title="Green White Red Strategy" , overlay=true)
// defining the moving averages
maa = ema(close, 3)
mab = ema(close, 5)
mac= ema(close, 8)
mad= ema(close, 12)
mae = ema(close, 15)
maf = ema(close, 30)
mag = ema(close, 35)
mah = ema(close, 40)
mai = ema(close, 45)
maj = ema(close, 50)
mak = ema(close, 60)
// if the short term MAs crossover the long term MAs then we enter a long position and close
(if true) the short position
enterLong=if maa > maf and mab > mag and mac > mah and mad>mai and mae > maj and mae > mak and
not nz(enterLong[1], 0)
// if the long term MAs crossover the short term MAs then we enter a short position and close
(if true) the long position
enterShort= if maa < maf and mab < mag and mac < mah and mad < mai and mae < maj and mae < mak
and not nz(enterLong[1], 0)
//plotting the MAs
plot(maa, color = #00FF00,title="3 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mab, color = #00FF00, title="5 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mac, color = #00FF00,title="8 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mad, color = #00FF00, title="12 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mae, color = #00FF00,title="15 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(maf, color = #FF0000, title="30 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mag, color = #FF0000,title="35 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mah, color = #FF0000, title="40 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mai, color = #FF0000,title="45 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(maj, color = #FF0000, title="50 EMA", linewidth=1)
plot(mak, color = #FF0000, title="50 EMA", linewidth=1)
// defining our stop loss and take profit
float longstop= strategy.position_avg_price*(1-sl)
float longprofit= strategy.position_avg_price*(1+tp)
float shortstop= strategy.position_avg_price*(1+sl)
float shortprofit= strategy.position_avg_price*(1-sl)
// here what we are doing is basically a series of if statements: if the value of enterLong
becomes 1 and we are not in a position then we command a long entry
// however if enterShort becomes 1 and we are already in a longposition then we close the long
// if entershort becomes 1 and we were not in a position then we directly enter a short
// finally if we were in a position and either entershort or enter long were 1
x=if enterLong and inpos==0
strategy.entry(id="Enter Long", long=strategy.long)
strategy.exit(id= 'close',stop=longstop, limit=longprofit)
else if enterShort and inpos>1
strategy.exit(id='close', stop=true)
else if enterShort and inpos==0
strategy.entry(id="Enter Short", long=strategy.short)
strategy.exit(id= 'close',stop=shortstop, limit=shortprofit)
else if enterLong and inpos>0
strategy.exit(id='close', stop=true)'''