我想要 A*B 的值。
我试过了{A *}{B}, {A=A+B} and {A*B}
var expressions = require("angular-expressions");
var assign = require("lodash/assign");
// define your filter functions here, for example
// to be able to write {clientname | lower}
expressions.filters.lower = function (input) {
// This condition should be used to make sure that if your input is
// undefined, your output will be undefined as well and will not
// throw an error
if (!input) return input;
return input.toLowerCase();
function angularParser(tag) {
tag = tag
.replace(/^\.$/, "this")
.replace(/(’|‘)/g, "'")
.replace(/(“|”)/g, '"');
const expr = expressions.compile(tag);
return {
get: function (scope, context) {
let obj = {};
const scopeList = context.scopeList;
const num = context.num;
for (let i = 0, len = num + 1; i < len; i++) {
obj = assign(obj, scopeList[i]);
return expr(scope, obj);
new Docxtemplater(zip, { parser: angularParser });