我正在尝试使用 rgl 库可视化数据集:数据集的尺寸为 15927 x 6,并包含 pca 转换的分数。恐怕我不知道如何在这里显示所说的数据集,(这是我的第一个问题,请见谅)。我使用 plot3d 绘制了前三个向量,但它只显示了一个非常小的点子集(少于 50 个)。我尝试更改剪辑,但无论我增加还是减少限制,它都只显示任何内容或仅显示一点。我只是在这个特定的数据集上遇到了这个问题。我在同一个脚本的另一个绘图上使用了相同的函数,没有问题。plot_ly 也一样。我不明白是什么原因造成的,任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢。


new.tw <- as.data.frame(fit.data$objectscores) # new coordinates on the principal components

plot3d(fit.data$objectscores[,4:6], xlab = "Political", ylab = "Civil", zlab = "Partizan") # output only a subset of the original matrix

fig1 <- plot_ly(new.tw, x = ~Racial, y = ~Activism, z = ~Partizan)
fig1 <- fig %>% add_markers()
fig1 <- fig %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'Political'),
                                   yaxis = list(title = 'Civil'),
                                   zaxis = list(title = 'Partizan')))
fig1 #same problem here

然而,这第二个电话完美无缺。sim.result 是另一个数据集,尺寸为 1000 x 6。我也尝试了 100000 次观察,但仍然可以正常工作。

plot3d(sim.results[,2:4] , col=sim.results[,1], xlab = "Racial", ylab = "Activism", zlab = "Partizan")


编辑:根据要求,这是前 20 条记录

dput(head(fit.data$objectscores, 20)))

structure(c(1.50298476621238, 1.50298476621238, 1.50298476621238, 
-1.58568117857448, -0.816526654373636, 0.565715252062814, 1.50298476621238, 
0.938169846654393, -0.264438304359833, -0.89895908781598, -1.58568117857448, 
0.854894719853944, -0.816526654373636, -1.58568117857448, -0.816526654373636, 
-0.264438304359833, 1.50298476621238, 1.50298476621238, -0.816526654373636, 
-0.816526654373636, -0.22195707370619, -0.22195707370619, -0.22195707370619, 
2.92311622515375, -0.9872594008058, 0.155224901527586, -0.22195707370619, 
0.507704817966882, -0.0218926196634168, 3.56657236205749, 2.92311622515375, 
0.57259387796395, -0.9872594008058, 2.92311622515375, -0.9872594008058, 
-0.0218926196634168, -0.22195707370619, -0.22195707370619, -0.9872594008058, 
-0.9872594008058, -0.61967189717146, -0.61967189717146, -0.61967189717146, 
-0.0641863006278279, 0.751877614031531, 0.467590743969311, -0.61967189717146, 
-2.85074009594914, -0.215480514804859, 0.978902546006621, -0.0641863006278279, 
0.7286746842318, 0.751877614031531, -0.0641863006278279, 0.751877614031531, 
-0.215480514804859, -0.61967189717146, -0.61967189717146, 0.751877614031531, 
0.751877614031531, -1.15671269188201, -1.15671269188201, -1.15671269188201, 
-1.02621692332093, -0.192044576245641, -1.63097963620485, -1.15671269188201, 
2.31326205223891, 0.181116196817509, 0.136775914244596, -1.02621692332093, 
1.01664957434761, -0.192044576245641, -1.02621692332093, -0.192044576245641, 
0.181116196817509, -1.15671269188201, -1.15671269188201, -0.192044576245641, 
-0.192044576245641, -0.716947334740032, -0.716947334740032, -0.716947334740032, 
-0.211774508543306, 0.412900956387458, 1.50372485320379, -0.716947334740032, 
3.97207352078232, -0.156636810319296, 0.31991195471995, -0.211774508543306, 
0.237902829961732, 0.412900956387458, -0.211774508543306, 0.412900956387458, 
-0.156636810319296, -0.716947334740032, -0.716947334740032, 0.412900956387458, 
0.412900956387458, 0.777882430991955, 0.777882430991955, 0.777882430991955, 
0.622604024952591, 0.669399975560595, -2.34610692261696, 0.777882430991955, 
1.50641686438724, -1.35856726916514, 1.17683296363845, 0.622604024952591, 
-0.281401001859944, 0.669399975560595, 0.622604024952591, 0.669399975560595, 
-1.35856726916514, 0.777882430991955, 0.777882430991955, 0.669399975560595, 
0.669399975560595), .Dim = c(20L, 6L), .Dimnames = list(c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", 
"14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20"), c("D1", "D2", "D3", 
"D4", "D5", "D6")))

head(fit.data$objectscores, 20)
          D1          D2         D3         D4         D5         D6
1   1.5029848 -0.22195707 -0.6196719 -1.1567127 -0.7169473  0.7778824
2   1.5029848 -0.22195707 -0.6196719 -1.1567127 -0.7169473  0.7778824
3   1.5029848 -0.22195707 -0.6196719 -1.1567127 -0.7169473  0.7778824
4  -1.5856812  2.92311623 -0.0641863 -1.0262169 -0.2117745  0.6226040
5  -0.8165267 -0.98725940  0.7518776 -0.1920446  0.4129010  0.6694000
6   0.5657153  0.15522490  0.4675907 -1.6309796  1.5037249 -2.3461069
7   1.5029848 -0.22195707 -0.6196719 -1.1567127 -0.7169473  0.7778824
8   0.9381698  0.50770482 -2.8507401  2.3132621  3.9720735  1.5064169
9  -0.2644383 -0.02189262 -0.2154805  0.1811162 -0.1566368 -1.3585673
10 -0.8989591  3.56657236  0.9789025  0.1367759  0.3199120  1.1768330
11 -1.5856812  2.92311623 -0.0641863 -1.0262169 -0.2117745  0.6226040
12  0.8548947  0.57259388  0.7286747  1.0166496  0.2379028 -0.2814010
13 -0.8165267 -0.98725940  0.7518776 -0.1920446  0.4129010  0.6694000
14 -1.5856812  2.92311623 -0.0641863 -1.0262169 -0.2117745  0.6226040
15 -0.8165267 -0.98725940  0.7518776 -0.1920446  0.4129010  0.6694000
16 -0.2644383 -0.02189262 -0.2154805  0.1811162 -0.1566368 -1.3585673
17  1.5029848 -0.22195707 -0.6196719 -1.1567127 -0.7169473  0.7778824
18  1.5029848 -0.22195707 -0.6196719 -1.1567127 -0.7169473  0.7778824
19 -0.8165267 -0.98725940  0.7518776 -0.1920446  0.4129010  0.6694000
20 -0.8165267 -0.98725940  0.7518776 -0.1920446  0.4129010  0.6694000

这是 str() 的结果:

 num [1:15927, 1:6] 1.503 1.503 1.503 -1.586 -0.817 ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : chr [1:15927] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  ..$ : chr [1:6] "D1" "D2" "D3" "D4" ...



对于所有列,并获得 90-100 个值作为结果。同时,感谢您的回复。

编辑 2:是的,我后来添加了列的名称:

colnames(new.tw) <-c("Racial","Activism","Partizan","Political","Civil","Party")

我将 Gifi 库用于非线性 PCA(我从序数变量矩阵开始)。这是我(几乎)完整的代码(减去我创建原始数据集的部分以及我在 mclust 库中应用一些聚类功能的下一部分)

data <- read.csv("twitter.data.csv")
#perform ordinal MVAOS (Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling)
fit.data <- princals(data, ndim = 6)
trans <- fit.data$transform #new data after rotation
fit.data$loadings #loadings
new.tw <- as.data.frame(fit.data$objectscores) # new coordinates on the principal components
colnames(new.tw) <-c("Racial","Activism","Partizan","Political","Civil","Party")
plot(fit.data, "screeplot") #screeplot

plot3d(fit.data$objectscores[,1:3], xlab = "Racial", ylab = "Activism", zlab = "Partizan")
plot3d(fit.data$objectscores[,4:6], xlab = "Political", ylab = "Civil", zlab = "Party")

fig1 <- plot_ly(new.tw, x = ~Racial, y = ~Activism, z = ~Partizan)
fig1 <- fig1 %>% add_markers()
fig1 <- fig1 %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title ='Racial'),yaxis = list(title = 'Activism'),zaxis = list(title ='Partizan')))

fig2 <- plot_ly(new.tw, x = ~Political, y = ~Civil, z = ~Party)
fig2 <- fig2 %>% add_markers()
fig2 <- fig2 %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'Political'),yaxis = list(title = 'Civil'),zaxis = list(title ='Party')))

plot(fit.data, "loadplot", main = "Loadings Plot Twitter Data")
plot(fit.data, "biplot", main = "Biplot Twitter Data")

编辑 3:我添加了一张图片来澄清:在最后三列中,唯一的三元组实际上是 288,但是,我希望你可以从图像中看到,只有 78 个左右被绘制。


               D4          D5          D6
1     -1.15671269 -0.71694733  0.77788243
4     -1.02621692 -0.21177451  0.62260402
5     -0.19204458  0.41290096  0.66939998
6     -1.63097964  1.50372485 -2.34610692
8      2.31326205  3.97207352  1.50641686
9      0.18111620 -0.15663681 -1.35856727
10     0.13677591  0.31991195  1.17683296
12     1.01664957  0.23790283 -0.28140100
25    -0.15744958 -0.25383428  1.59358003
33     2.54459730 -2.87594628  0.81783240
40     0.01738647 -0.22521022 -1.09709860
48    -1.36614373 -0.07883616  2.54438101
51     1.31399894  3.50896047  0.69071926
80     0.27039555  3.52239618  2.41042189
96    -2.34122650 -1.31832018 -3.02243232
98    -0.14311675 -0.68745042 -1.31840645
149   -2.20031608 -0.70351162  2.49758506
165    0.19855888 -0.22754270 -1.39564370
184    2.10383101  4.61018470  3.27291544
234   -0.86248719 -0.14320110  0.36113536
240   -0.02695382  0.25133854  1.43830163
287    0.43412528  3.59096959  2.14895323
385   -0.63171653  1.96683790 -1.53040932
430    2.33516626 -2.23783510  2.58433098
465   -1.23564797  0.42633667  2.38910261
567    0.80721853  0.87601401  1.48509758
622   -0.35254779 -0.04933924  0.44809213
665    1.18037930  0.30647624 -0.54286967
671   -0.02831485  0.48147437  0.40793131
698    2.70832703 -2.80737286  0.55636374
830   -2.67458303  1.51716057 -0.62640429
932    1.47772867  3.57753388  0.42925060
957   -0.14311675 -0.68745042 -1.31840645
1148  -1.84041068  2.14183603 -0.57960834
1390   0.18111620 -0.15663681 -1.35856727
1392  -0.06953126  3.65533453  4.33219888
1413   0.18598433 -3.96905623 -1.10750131
1469   1.01664957  0.23790283 -0.28140100
1527  -1.15671269 -0.71694733  0.77788243
1542   0.13989979  3.01722336  2.56570030
1761   1.37049815 -3.36768339  2.69281344
1950   0.09555950  3.49377212  5.10110053
2008  -2.20031608 -0.70351162  2.49758506
2098   1.26829763  4.21564506  2.19574918
2284   3.84120978  0.85822441  2.60565027
2343   0.27039555  3.52239618  2.41042189
2390   3.54386041 -2.41283322  1.63353000
2426   1.26965866  3.98550923  3.22611949
2436  -1.46724991  1.57229826 -2.60757559
2451   2.54459730 -2.87594628  0.81783240
2580   0.20178539 -0.62120949 -1.87842022
2881  -1.02621692 -0.21177451  0.62260402
2928   3.54386041 -2.41283322  1.63353000
3219  -1.04461403  2.41585051 -1.23461445
3221  -2.80507879  1.01198774 -0.47112589
3366   1.10456790  4.14707165  2.45721784
3457   2.47699178  4.04064693  1.24494820
3492  -1.11313465  3.66877025  6.05190151
3911  -0.23638486  0.88944972  3.20480021
4322  -1.07191824  0.49491008  2.12763394
4347   1.31399894  3.50896047  0.69071926
4809  -2.51085330  1.58573398 -0.88787296
4848   0.34971406 -3.90048282 -1.36896997
5034   0.97094826  0.94458742  1.22362891
5143   1.66472364 -2.79393715  2.27606637
5511   0.36228861 -0.15896929 -1.65711237
6081   1.01987609 -0.15576396 -0.76417752
6512   1.50099391 -2.86251056  2.53753503
6814  -0.88088430  2.48442393 -1.49608311
7164  -0.85761906 -3.95562052  0.61220132
7182  -0.86248719 -0.14320110  0.36113536
7614   2.50025702 -2.39939751  3.35323263
7716   0.02061298 -0.61887701 -1.57987512
7748  -1.63097964  1.50372485 -2.34610692
7816   0.18598433 -3.96905623 -1.10750131
7908   0.03805566 -0.68978290 -1.61695155
8474  -2.17749677 -1.24974677 -3.28390098
8807   0.03805566 -0.68978290 -1.61695155
9533   3.33442937 -1.77472205  3.40002858
10256 -1.46724991  1.57229826 -2.60757559
10488 -1.20105297 -0.24039857  3.31328266
10906 -1.37797055  5.25133126  1.16141357
11444 -2.55065755 -0.68020900 -1.25593373
12051  2.38409409 -3.33818648  0.59652455
13041 -0.36688063  0.38427690  3.36007861
13143  0.85614636 -0.22433737 -0.50270885
13573  1.18037930  0.30647624 -0.54286967
13730  0.85614636 -0.22433737 -0.50270885
14327  0.19855888 -0.22754270 -1.39564370
14472  2.72899623 -3.27194554  0.03651079
14594 -0.97554028 -0.71927981  0.47933733
14746  0.64671531  0.41377381  1.26378973
15290  2.36976125 -2.90457034  3.50851104
15358  0.02061298 -0.61887701 -1.57987512
15380 -1.31721591 -1.17918753  0.55657458
15673  1.06022762  4.62362041  4.99261807
> length(unique(fit.data$objectscores[,4:6]))
[1] 288


无论如何,jitter()似乎工作正常,非常感谢。我还是不明白为什么我看不到所有的 288 分。它们是否太相似而不能以不同的方式绘制?我可以增加规模吗?我也尝试将数据集乘以 10 和 100,但无济于事。

编辑 4 实际上,手动重新计算 中的值unique(fit.data$objectscores[,4:6]),它们似乎是 95 条记录而不是 288 条。我想 length(unique(fit.data$objectscores[,4:6]))这不是计算它们的正确方法。


1 回答 1


我认为这只是您的数据中有很多重复的情况。在您的前 20 个观察中,有 8 个唯一值,您说这unique(fit.data$objectscores[,1])给了您 90 到 100 个值。

你可以跑unique(fit.data$objectscores[,4:6])看看有多少独特的三胞胎,但我猜它是相似的。您说您看到绘制的“少于 50 个”点,这可能是因为很难计算点云中的点,或者因为其中一些点非常接近。

有许多技巧可以在绘图中显示高度重叠的数据。最容易使用的是“抖动”,使用jitter()R 中的函数。使用前 20 个值,使用绘图

plot3d(apply(scores[,4:6], 2, jitter, amount=0), 
       xlab = "Political", ylab = "Civil", zlab = "Partizan")


于 2022-01-18T10:23:11.743 回答