
你如何编写一个算法来对依赖树中的动作进行排序和分块,以便对插入/数据库动作进行最佳批处理?通过最佳批处理,我的意思是如果您可以一次将 10 条记录插入同一个表中,那么就这样做。任何时候可以批量插入,都应该尽量减少数据库调用/插入的数量。


{ action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key12', input: {
  p: { type: 'binding', path: ['key10', 'z'] },
  q: { type: 'binding', path: ['key11', 'a'] }
} },
{ action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key13' },
{ action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key14' },
{ action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key15', input: {
  a: { type: 'binding', path: ['key8', 'z'] },
} },

请注意,我们的“依赖节点项”有 4 个可能的属性:

  • action:在我们的情况下,这始终是“创造”,但将来可能是其他事情。
  • table:要插入的表名。
  • set:要添加到动作依赖树中共享全局“范围”的变量的名称,因此其他动作可以将其作为输入读取。
  • input:动作的输入,在我们的例子中都是“绑定”输入(但也可以是文字值,但这太容易了)。对于绑定输入,它从存储在依赖树的共享范围内的记录中读取一些属性/列值。


// this is "close to" the desired result, because
// there might be a slightly different sort applied
// to this when implemented, but the chunking pattern
// and grouping of elements should be exactly like This
// (I am pretty sure, I manually did this 
// so there could be small mistakes, but I doubt it)
const closeToDesiredResult = [
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key1' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key21' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key2' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key3' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key23' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key6' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key8' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key13' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key5' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key7' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key9' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key14' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key24' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key17' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb5', set: 'key16' },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key4', input: {
        x: { type: 'binding', path: ['key2', 'baz'] }
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key10', input: {
        y: { type: 'binding', path: ['key6', 'foo'] },
        z: { type: 'binding', path: ['key1', 'bar'] }
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key15', input: {
        a: { type: 'binding', path: ['key8', 'z'] },
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key12', input: {
        p: { type: 'binding', path: ['key10', 'z'] },
        q: { type: 'binding', path: ['key11', 'a'] }
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key11', input: {
        a: { type: 'binding', path: ['key10', 'z'] },
        b: { type: 'binding', path: ['key1', 'bar'] }
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key18', input: {
        m: { type: 'binding', path: ['key4', 'x'] },
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key19', input: {
        m: { type: 'binding', path: ['key4', 'x'] },
        n: { type: 'binding', path: ['key13', 'a'] },
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key22', input: {
        w: { type: 'binding', path: ['key18', 'm'] },
        x: { type: 'binding', path: ['key17', 'm'] },
      } },
      { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key20', input: {
        m: { type: 'binding', path: ['key18', 'm'] },
        n: { type: 'binding', path: ['key17', 'm'] },
      } },

注意结果数组中有 4 个顶级块。这些是主要步骤。然后在每一步中,所有的东西都是按表分组的,所以它们都可以并行运行,并且在每个表组内,它们都可以批量插入。繁荣。


const actionTree = generateActionTree()
const chunkedActionTree = chunkDependencyTree(actionTree)

function chunkDependencyTree(list) {
  const independentOnesMapByTableName = {}
  list.forEach(node => {
    // easy case
    if (!node.input) {
      const group = independentOnesMapByTableName[node.table]
        = independentOnesMapByTableName[node.table] ?? []
    } else {
      // I am at a loss for words...

function generateActionTree() {
  // this would be constructed through a bunch of real-world
  // functions, queuing up all the actions
  // and pointing outputs to inputs.
  return [
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key1' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key2' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key3' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key5' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key6' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key7' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key8' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key9' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key10', input: {
      y: { type: 'binding', path: ['key6', 'foo'] },
      z: { type: 'binding', path: ['key1', 'bar'] }
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key4', input: {
      x: { type: 'binding', path: ['key2', 'baz'] }
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key11', input: {
      a: { type: 'binding', path: ['key10', 'z'] },
      b: { type: 'binding', path: ['key1', 'bar'] }
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key12', input: {
      p: { type: 'binding', path: ['key10', 'z'] },
      q: { type: 'binding', path: ['key11', 'a'] }
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key13' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key14' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb4', set: 'key15', input: {
      a: { type: 'binding', path: ['key8', 'z'] },
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb5', set: 'key16' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key17' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key18', input: {
      m: { type: 'binding', path: ['key4', 'x'] },
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key19', input: {
      m: { type: 'binding', path: ['key4', 'x'] },
      n: { type: 'binding', path: ['key13', 'a'] },
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb6', set: 'key20', input: {
      m: { type: 'binding', path: ['key18', 'm'] },
      n: { type: 'binding', path: ['key17', 'm'] },
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key21' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key22', input: {
      w: { type: 'binding', path: ['key18', 'm'] },
      x: { type: 'binding', path: ['key17', 'm'] },
    } },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key23' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key24' },



2 回答 2



const actionTree = [
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb1', set: 'key1' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb2', set: 'key2' },
    { action: 'create', table: 'tb3', set: 'key24' },


batches = [];

假设我们只需要确保所有相关的输入集都已经被插入,并且输入的第二项path: ['key8', 'z']z在这种情况下)不会影响任何东西,因为集是原子的,我们所要做的就是:

batches = [];

batched = () => batches.reduce((p,a)=>[...p,...a],[]);
unbatched = () => actionTree.filter(b=>batched().indexOf(b)<0);

nextbatchfilter = (a) => (!("input" in a))||(Object.values(a.input).filter(i=>batched().map(a=>a.set).indexOf(i.path[0])<0).length==0);

while (unbatched().length>0)
    if (batches[batches.length-1].length==0) {
        console.log("could not build dependency graph with all items, "+unbatched().length.toString()+" items remaining")
        break; // avoid infinite loop in case of impossible tree

这里batched()通过 flattening 显示哪些动作已被批处理batches;反之亦然unbatched(),它显示哪些动作仍需要批处理。nextbachfilter从那些未批处理的中显示哪些可以批处理。有了这些,就可以完成我们的工作。

可以修改代码以减少计算unbatched和时过多的 cpu 返工,方法batched是让中间状态物化:

batches = [];

unbatched = Array.from(actionTree);

nextbatchfilter = (a) => (!("input" in a))||(Object.values(a.input).filter(i=>!(batchedsets.has(i.path[0]))).length==0);

batchedsets = new Set();
while (unbatched.length>0) {
    nextbatch = unbatched.filter(nextbatchfilter);
    if (nextbatch.length==0) {
        console.log("could not build dependency graph with all items, "+unbatched.length.toString()+" items remaining")
        break; // avoid infinite loop in case of impossible tree
    unbatched = unbatched.filter(a=>!nextbatchfilter(a));


batches.map(b=>Array.from(new Set(b.map(a=>a.table))).map(t=>b.filter(a=>a.table==t)));


于 2022-01-20T04:25:19.327 回答

你的数据结构我不清楚。什么是单字母 ids p,q等?我也不明白桌子的作用。您可以一次写入在同一个表中插入多个项目,不是吗?我假设这些 tihngs 在根排序问题中并不重要。





另外,我不会为提高效率而费心使用数据结构。你可以在 O(n log n) 时间内完成。我的代码是 O(n^2)。


from collections import defaultdict

def ExtractGraph(cmds):
  """Gets a dependency graph from verbose command input data."""
  graph = defaultdict(set)
  for cmd in cmds:
    node = cmd['set']
    inputs = cmd.get('input')
    if inputs:
      for _, val in inputs.items():
  return graph

def FindSources(graph):
  """Returns the nodes of the given graph having no dependencies."""
  sources = set()
  for node, edges in graph.items():
    if not edges:
  return sources

def GetLevels(dependencies):
  """Returns sequence levels satisfying given dependency graph."""
  sources = FindSources(dependencies)
  level = set(sources)
  done = set(level)
  todos = dependencies.keys() - done
  levels = []
  while level:
    # Next level is jobs that have all dependencies done
    new_level = set()
    # A clever data structure could find the next level in O(k log n)
    # for a level size of k and n jobs. This needs O(n).
    for todo in todos:
      if dependencies[todo].issubset(done):
    level = new_level
  return levels

cmds = [
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb1', 'set' : 'key1' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb2', 'set' : 'key2' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb2', 'set' : 'key3' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb3', 'set' : 'key5' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb4', 'set' : 'key6' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb3', 'set' : 'key7' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb4', 'set' : 'key8' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb3', 'set' : 'key9' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb3', 'set' : 'key10', 'input' : {
      'y' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key6', 'foo'] },
      'z' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key1', 'bar'] }
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb1', 'set' : 'key4', 'input' : {
      'x' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key2', 'baz'] }
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb4', 'set' : 'key11', 'input' : {
      'a' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key10', 'z'] },
      'b' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key1', 'bar'] }
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb1', 'set' : 'key12', 'input' : {
      'p' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key10', 'z'] },
      'q' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key11', 'a'] }
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb4', 'set' : 'key13' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb3', 'set' : 'key14' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb4', 'set' : 'key15', 'input' : {
      'a' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key8', 'z'] },
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb5', 'set' : 'key16' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb6', 'set' : 'key17' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb6', 'set' : 'key18', 'input' : {
      'm' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key4', 'x'] },
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb6', 'set' : 'key19', 'input' : {
      'm' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key4', 'x'] },
      'n' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key13', 'a'] },
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb6', 'set' : 'key20', 'input' : {
      'm' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key18', 'm'] },
      'n' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key17', 'm'] },
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb1', 'set' : 'key21' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb2', 'set' : 'key22', 'input' : {
      'w' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key18', 'm'] },
      'x' : { 'type' : 'binding', 'path' : ['key17', 'm'] },
    } },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb2', 'set' : 'key23' },
    { 'action' : 'create', 'table' : 'tb3', 'set' : 'key24' },
dependencies = ExtractGraph(cmds)
levels = GetLevels(dependencies)


{'key9', 'key3', 'key24', 'key7', 'key17', 'key8', 'key21', 'key1',
     'key5', 'key2', 'key16', 'key6', 'key23', 'key13', 'key14'}, 
{'key15', 'key4', 'key10'}, 
{'key19', 'key18', 'key11'}, 
{'key22', 'key12', 'key20'}

对于抽查,让我们看一下 key12。它有 10 和 11 作为依赖项。key10 有 6 和 1。key11 有 10 和 1。键 1 和 6 没有。我们发现

  • 0 级中的 1 和 6(无依赖关系),
  • 10(需要 1 和 6)在第 1 级,
  • 11(需要 10 和 1)在第 2 级,
  • 12(需要 10 和 11)在第 3 级。



于 2022-01-19T04:39:42.130 回答