但它包含 2(两个)问题,所以我需要将其分开。
- 地方是一栋有几层楼的宽敞建筑。
- 我可以获取/检索地图(静止图像)。例如当前:1F 目的地:5F;所以我可以得到1楼、2楼...5楼的静止图像(5个图像文件)。
- 启动应用程序
- 输入当前位置(或使用当前位置自动设置)和目的地
- 单击搜索路线按钮以搜索要使用的地图(静止图像)并标记当前位置和目的地
- 移动/前往目的地时更新当前位置
问题: 我可以通过 WiFi/基站/IP 地址获取当前位置坐标,但不知道如何将其放入静止图像中以标记当前位置。
带有实际、预期输出、测试用例的实际示例 (此处的代码包来自 mapsforge)
* A performance optimized implementation of the spherical Mercator projection.
class MercatorProjectionClass {
* Width and height of a map tile in pixel.
static final int TILE_SIZE = 256;
* Converts a latitude coordinate (in degrees) to a pixel Y coordinate at a certain zoom level.
* @param latitude
* the latitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the pixel Y coordinate of the latitude value.
static double latitudeToPixelY(double latitude, byte zoom) {
double sinLatitude = Math.sin(latitude * (Math.PI / 180));
return (0.5 - Math.log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 - sinLatitude)) / (4 * Math.PI))
* ((long) TILE_SIZE << zoom);
* Converts a latitude coordinate (in degrees) to a tile Y number at a certain zoom level.
* @param latitude
* the latitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile Y number of the latitude value.
static long latitudeToTileY(double latitude, byte zoom) {
return pixelYToTileY(latitudeToPixelY(latitude, zoom), zoom);
* Converts a longitude coordinate (in degrees) to a pixel X coordinate at a certain zoom level.
* @param longitude
* the longitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the pixel X coordinate of the longitude value.
static double longitudeToPixelX(double longitude, byte zoom) {
return (longitude + 180) / 360 * ((long) TILE_SIZE << zoom);
* Converts a longitude coordinate (in degrees) to the tile X number at a certain zoom level.
* @param longitude
* the longitude coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile X number of the longitude value.
static long longitudeToTileX(double longitude, byte zoom) {
return pixelXToTileX(longitudeToPixelX(longitude, zoom), zoom);
* Converts a pixel X coordinate at a certain zoom level to a longitude coordinate.
* @param pixelX
* the pixel X coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the longitude value of the pixel X coordinate.
static double pixelXToLongitude(double pixelX, byte zoom) {
return 360 * ((pixelX / ((long) TILE_SIZE << zoom)) - 0.5);
* Converts a pixel X coordinate to the tile X number.
* @param pixelX
* the pixel X coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile X number.
static long pixelXToTileX(double pixelX, byte zoom) {
return (long) Math.min(Math.max(pixelX / TILE_SIZE, 0), Math.pow(2, zoom) - 1);
* Converts a pixel Y coordinate at a certain zoom level to a latitude coordinate.
* @param pixelY
* the pixel Y coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the latitude value of the pixel Y coordinate.
static double pixelYToLatitude(double pixelY, byte zoom) {
double y = 0.5 - (pixelY / ((long) TILE_SIZE << zoom));
return 90 - 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-y * (2 * Math.PI))) / Math.PI;
* Converts a pixel Y coordinate to the tile Y number.
* @param pixelY
* the pixel Y coordinate that should be converted.
* @param zoom
* the zoom level at which the coordinate should be converted.
* @return the tile Y number.
static long pixelYToTileY(double pixelY, byte zoom) {
return (long) Math.min(Math.max(pixelY / TILE_SIZE, 0), Math.pow(2, zoom) - 1);
private static final byte ZOOM_LEVEL = 14;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Pixel Coordinate of Chicago,IL
double pixel_y = 1559345;
double pixel_x = 1075954;
// Lat Lng of Chicago,IL
double lat_y = 41.850033;
double lng_x = -87.65005229999997;
testPixelXYToLatitude(pixel_y, pixel_x, lat_y, lng_x);
testLatLngToPixelXY(pixel_y, pixel_x, lat_y, lng_x);
private static void testPixelXYToLatitude(
double pixel_y, double pixel_x,
double lat_y, double lng_x) {
double actual_lat_y = MercatorProjectionClass.pixelYToLatitude(pixel_y, ZOOM_LEVEL);
double actual_lng_x = MercatorProjectionClass.pixelXToLongitude(pixel_x, ZOOM_LEVEL);
String expectedstr_lat_y = Double.toString(lat_y).substring(0, 5);
String expectedstr_lng_x = Double.toString(lng_x).substring(0, 6);
String actualstr_lat_y = Double.toString(actual_lat_y).substring(0, 5);
String actualstr_lng_x = Double.toString(actual_lng_x).substring(0, 6);
String result = (actualstr_lat_y.equals(expectedstr_lat_y) && actualstr_lng_x.equals(expectedstr_lng_x))?"PASSED":"FAILED";
System.out.println("PixelXYToLatitude test result:" + result);
private static void testLatLngToPixelXY(
double pixel_y, double pixel_x,
double lat_y, double lng_x) {
double actual_pixel_y = MercatorProjectionClass.latitudeToPixelY(lat_y, ZOOM_LEVEL);
double actual_pixel_x = MercatorProjectionClass.longitudeToPixelX(lng_x, ZOOM_LEVEL);
String expectedstr_pixel_y = Integer.toString((Double.valueOf(pixel_y).intValue()));
String expectedstr_pixel_x = Integer.toString((Double.valueOf(pixel_x).intValue()));
String actualstr_pixel_y = Integer.toString(Double.valueOf(actual_pixel_y).intValue());
String actualstr_pixel_x = Integer.toString(Double.valueOf(actual_pixel_x).intValue());
String result = (actualstr_pixel_y.equals(expectedstr_pixel_y) && actualstr_pixel_x.equals(expectedstr_pixel_x))?"PASSED":"FAILED";
System.out.println("LatLngToPixelXY test result:" + result);
- PixelXYToLatitude 测试结果:PASSED
- LatLngToPixelXY 测试结果:PASSED
我已经有了将 LatLng 转换为 Pixel 的投影类。我现在的问题是如何使用上述类标记给定 LatLng 的静止图像。