我想使用 RefTex 为 LaTex 文档生成索引,遵循 RefTex 手册中的建议:

“...您可能希望从文档的单词列表开始,删除所有不应编入索引的单词。” (-> 为索引短语文件收集短语)。

现在我问自己:如何为我的多文件 LaTex 文档生成这样的单词列表?我在 Emacs 手册或网络上找不到答案。但是 Emacs 必须能够做到这一点,对吧?



2 回答 2


一种快速入门的方法(在命令行,而不是 emacs):

sed 's/ */\n/g' < myDocument.txt | sort -f | uniq > wordListToEdit.txt

于 2011-08-17T04:15:18.003 回答

I found a solution that is independent from Emacs, but it produces a file with all tokens found in the document(s). I just marked all the .tex files in my LaTeX project in Emacs Dired, and then used

! myshellscript

to run the following script on all of them. You find more Information about nltk and Python here: http://www.nltk.org/

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $0
echo $1

python -c "\
from __future__ import division;\
import nltk, re, pprint;\
f = open('$1');\
raw = f.read();\
print nltk.word_tokenize(raw)\
" >> tok 
于 2011-08-17T18:22:28.477 回答