我的应用程序完全用 SwiftUI 编写。如何在 SwiftUI 中实现此代码?当我点击按钮时,我需要开始做广告

    import AdColony

class ViewController: UIViewController, AdColonyInterstitialDelegate {

    weak var interstitial:AdColonyInterstitial?

    /* Class body ... */

    func requestInterstitial() {
        AdColony.requestInterstitial(inZone: Ads.shared.currentZone, options: nil, andDelegate: self)

    // MARK:- AdColony Interstitial Delegate

    // Store a reference to the returned interstitial object
    func adColonyInterstitialDidLoad(_ interstitial: AdColonyInterstitial) {
        self.interstitial = interstitial
    // Handle loading error
    func adColonyInterstitialDidFail(toLoad error: AdColonyAdRequestError) {
        print("Interstitial request failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription) and suggestion: \(error.localizedRecoverySuggestion!)")
    // Handle expiring ads (optional)
    func adColonyInterstitialExpired(_ interstitial: AdColonyInterstitial) {
        // remove reference to stored ad
        self.interstitial = nil

        // you can request new ad


if let interstitial = self.interstitial, !interstitial.expired {
    interstitial.show(withPresenting: self)

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