-- There is a Blue button and a Red button on our UI. Whichever
-- button was clicked last is our current color selection.
colorRedSelected = const ColorRed <$ UI.click redButton
colorBlueSelected = const ColorBlue <$ UI.click blueButton
-- we combine both the above Events to create a new one that tells us the current selected color
colorSelected = unionWith const colorRedSelected colorBlueSelected
-- accumulate values for our Behaviour, starting with ColorRed selected by default
colorMode <- accumB ColorRed modeEvent
-- create a Behaviour
mouseCoordinate <- stepper (0,0) $ UI.mousemove canvas
-- want to start with the list [1,2,3,4], but this value should change later.
-- I have 'never' here, as I don't know what else to put here yet.
listState <- accumB ([1,2,3,4]) never
-- Combine the Behaviours, we now have a tuple (chosenColorMode, mouseCoordinateTuple, savedList)
let choices = (,,) <$> colorMode <*> mouseCoordinate <*> listState
-- Apply the event (of the user clicking the canvas) to the Behaviour,
-- creating a new Event that returns the above tuple when it fires
makeChoice = choices <@ UI.click canvas
onEvent makeChoice $ \(colorMode, (x,y), savedList) -> do
-- in this block we use the savedList, and generate a newList.
-- I want to update the choicePosition behaviour so that the newList
-- replaces the old savedList.