我有一个 quarkus 应用程序,当我使用以下命令构建应用程序时,第一次进程开始非常好 compile quarkus:dev -DskipTests=true
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INFO [io.qua.arc.pro.BeanProcessor] (build-78) Found unrecommended usage of private members (use package-private instead) in application beans:
- @Inject field com.scania.siddhiapi.resources.RequestHeaders#password
2022-01-12 13:49:51,372 INFO [io.qua.ama.lam.run.MockEventServer] (build-52) Mock Lambda Event Server Started
__ ____ __ _____ ___ __ ____ ______
--/ __ \/ / / / _ | / _ \/ //_/ / / / __/
-/ /_/ / /_/ / __ |/ , _/ ,< / /_/ /\ \
--\___\_\____/_/ |_/_/|_/_/|_|\____/___/
2022-01-12 13:49:51,611 WARN [io.qua.config] (Quarkus Main Thread) Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.http.port" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo
2022-01-12 13:49:52,206 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) siddhiapi_quarkus 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 2.6.1.Final) started in 3.979s.
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[ERROR] Port 5005 in use, not starting in debug mode
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Tests paused
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2022-01-12 18:11:41,354 INFO [io.qua.arc.pro.BeanProcessor] (build-78) Found unrecommended usage of private members (use package-private instead) in application beans:
- @Inject field com.scania.siddhiapi.resources.RequestHeaders#password
当我尝试重新启动机器,然后启动 quarkus 服务时,它再次工作。
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"