I am using JIRA 3.13, I want to show list of tickets (based on a certain filter) in the dashboard with a column of my choice. For example, I want to show the ticket name, description, and resolution date (or a column of my choice). Is this possible? I use "Show saved Filter", the one that came with JIRA, but it does not allow me to do any customization.

Does anyone has a solution of how to have this showed in JIRA dashboard? Do I need to install a certain for this? Is it free? How do I install it?

Thanks all for the help!


1 回答 1


我们可以使用一个付费的 portlet 来执行此操作。该portlet 名为“Jira Show Saved Filter With Columns”,由 jPlugs.com 制作。我们必须支付约 200 美元。

安装非常简单,但需要关闭 JIRA(重启)。反正步骤是: 1. 把jar文件放到WEB-INF/lib 2. 重启JIRA

该公司提供30天试用期。为了获得试用密钥,您需要在他们的网站上创建一个帐户,然后也从他们的网站生成试用密钥。确保检查您安装的 portlet 的版本。对我来说,我使用的是 2.03 版本,它看起来像是为我的 JIRA 发布的最新版本。


于 2011-08-18T06:21:14.523 回答