我正在开发一个简单的 Pandoc 阅读器,它可以处理论坛中使用的一些基本的类似 html 的语法(例如[b]bold[/b]
我设法让一个基本的读者使用 LPEG(如 pandoc 文档中所述),但我找到的解决方案感觉很笨拙。有没有更好的方法来定义围绕开始和结束标签的语法(使用诸如优先级或负前瞻或 LPEG 分组之类的东西)?
local P, S, R, Cf, Cc, Ct, V, Cs, Cg, Cb, B, C, Cmt =
lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.V,
lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.B, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt
local whitespacechar = S(" \t\r\n")
local wordchar = (1 - whitespacechar)
local spacechar = S(" \t")
local newline = P"\r"^-1 * P"\n"
local blanklines = newline * (spacechar^0 * newline)^1
local endline = newline - blanklines
local emph_start = P"[i]"
local emph_end = P"[/i]"
local strong_start = P"[b]"
local strong_end = P"[/b]"
local header_start = P"[h" * (R"17" / tonumber) * "]"
local header_end = P"[/h" * R"17" * "]"
local tag_start = emph_start + strong_start + header_start
local tag_end = emph_end + strong_end + header_end
-- Grammar
G = P{ "Pandoc",
Pandoc = Ct(V"Block"^0) / pandoc.Pandoc;
Block = blanklines^0 * (V"Header" + V"Para") ;
Para = Ct(V"Inline"^1) / pandoc.Para;
Inline = V"Emph" + V"Strong" + V"Str" + V"Space" + V"SoftBreak" ;
Str = (1 - (whitespacechar + tag_end + tag_start))^1 / pandoc.Str;
Space = spacechar^1 / pandoc.Space;
SoftBreak = endline / pandoc.SoftBreak;
Emph = emph_start * Ct(V"Inline"^1) * emph_end / pandoc.Emph;
Strong = strong_start * Ct(V"Inline"^1) * strong_end / pandoc.Strong;
Header = header_start * Ct(V"Inline"^1) * header_end / pandoc.Header;
function Reader(input)
return lpeg.match(G, input)
[h1]A Test[/h1]
The [i]quick[/i] dog jumped over the lazy stream!
Tags should be able to be applied [b]mid[/b]word.