我觉得这应该是可能的,但我查看了 wandb SDK 代码,但找不到简单/合乎逻辑的方法。稍后可能通过修改清单条目来破解它(但可能在工件被记录到 wandb 之前,然后清单和条目可能被锁定)?我在 SDK 代码中看到了这样的内容:
version = manifest_entry.extra.get("versionID")
etag = manifest_entry.extra.get("etag")
import os
import wandb
import boto3
from wandb.util import md5_file
ENTITY = os.environ.get("WANDB_ENTITY")
PROJECT = os.environ.get("WANDB_PROJECT")
API_KEY = os.environ.get("WANDB_API_KEY")
api = api = wandb.Api(overrides={"entity": ENTITY, "project": ENTITY})
run = wandb.init(entity=ENTITY, project=PROJECT, job_type="test upload")
file = "admin2Codes.txt" # "admin1CodesASCII.txt" # (both already on s3 with a couple versions)
artifact = wandb.Artifact("test_data", type="dataset")
# modify one of the local files so it has a new md5hash etc.
with open(file, "a") as f:
# upload local file to s3
local_file_path = file
s3_url = f"s3://bucket/prefix/{file}"
s3_url_arr = s3_url.replace("s3://", "").split("/")
s3_bucket = s3_url_arr[0]
key = "/".join(s3_url_arr[1:])
s3_client = boto3.client("s3")
file_digest = md5_file(local_file_path)
# save the md5_digest in metadata,
# can be used later to only upload new files to s3,
# as AWS doesn't digest the file consistently in the E-tag
ExtraArgs={"Metadata": {"md5_digest": file_digest}},
head_response = s3_client.head_object(Bucket=s3_bucket, Key=key)
version_id: str = head_response["VersionId"]
# upload a link/ref to this s3 object in wandb:
# at this point we might be able to modify the artifact._manifest.entries and each entry.extra.get("etag") etc.?
print([(name, entry.extra) for name, entry in artifact._manifest.entries.items()])
# set these to an older version on s3 that we know we want (rather than latest) - do this via wandb public API:
dataset_v2 = api.artifact(f"{ENTITY}/{PROJECT}/test_data:v2", type="dataset")
# artifact._manifest.add_entry(dataset_v2.manifest.entries["admin1CodesASCII.txt"])
artifact._manifest.entries["admin1CodesASCII.txt"] = dataset_v2.manifest.entries[
# verify that it did change:
print([(name, entry.extra) for name, entry in artifact._manifest.entries.items()])
run.log_artifact(artifact) # at this point the manifest is locked I believe?
artifact.wait() # wait for upload to finish (blocking - but should be very quick given it is just an s3 link)
run_id = run.id
curr_run = api.run(f"{ENTITY}/{PROJECT}/{run_id}")
used_artifacts = curr_run.used_artifacts()
logged_artifacts = curr_run.logged_artifacts()
我在正确的轨道上吗?我想另一种解决方法是在 s3 上制作一个副本(这样旧版本又是最新的)但我想避免这种情况,因为我想使用旧版本的 1 文件是一个大型 NLP 模型和唯一的文件我要更改的是小的 config.json 文件等(因此再次上传所有文件似乎非常浪费)。
我还想知道,当我将旧版本的对象复制回存储桶中的同一个键时,是否会创建一个真正的副本,或者就像指向同一个底层对象的指针一样。boto3 和 AWS 文档都没有说明这一点——尽管它看起来像是一个正确的副本。