I want to save list of PlatformFile, with the help of file_picker library and store them using sharedpreferences and then load them back. list -> List

How to use the TimeSide Python library on local Machine

I'm trying to use the TimeSide library to do some audio analysis. It seems to be the most comprehensive package for audio analysis I can find in python. However, I can't figure out how to use it. I tried using it like a normal python module, as shown in the docs:

from timeside.core import get_processor
from timeside.core.tools.test_samples import samples

wavfile = samples['sweep.wav']
decoder  =  get_processor('file_decoder')(wavfile)
grapher  =  get_processor('waveform_simple')()
analyzer =  get_processor('level')()

But this gives error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'timeside.core'; 'timeside' is not a package

I see on the project page that we're supposed to use docker for install:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/Parisson/TimeSide.git
cd TimeSide
docker-compose pull

So I got docker setup on my Windows machine, but following those instructions I get:

Additional property app is not allowed

So looks like there's some issue with docker?

  • Is there anyway I can skip the "docker" part of this library and just use it like a normal module?
  • If not, why am I getting this additional property app is not allowed error?
  • If I was able to follow the provided install instructions, then what would I do next? Could I then just use the library as I would a regular module in my local Pycharm editor?

1 回答 1


我想你可以。您可以将该 PlatformFile 列表转换为 json 字符串并将该字符串存储为共享首选项。这是存储它的最佳方式。否则您需要将它们存储在本地数据库中。当您阅读时,只需将该字符串再次转换为 PlatformFiles 列表。

于 2022-01-11T05:09:50.443 回答