我使用Solana 的钱包适配器示例签署了一条消息:
import { useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
import bs58 from 'bs58';
import React, { FC, useCallback } from 'react';
import { sign } from 'tweetnacl';
export const SignMessageButton: FC = () => {
const { publicKey, signMessage } = useWallet();
const onClick = useCallback(async () => {
try {
// `publicKey` will be null if the wallet isn't connected
if (!publicKey) throw new Error('Wallet not connected!');
// `signMessage` will be undefined if the wallet doesn't support it
if (!signMessage) throw new Error('Wallet does not support message signing!');
// Encode anything as bytes
const message = new TextEncoder().encode("hello");
// Sign the bytes using the wallet
const signature = await signMessage(message);
// Verify that the bytes were signed using the private key that matches the known public key
if (!sign.detached.verify(message, signature, publicKey.toBytes())) throw new Error('Invalid signature!');
alert(`Message signature: ${bs58.encode(signature)}`);
} catch (error: any) {
alert(`Signing failed: ${error?.message}`);
}, [publicKey, signMessage]);
return signMessage ? (<button onClick={onClick} disabled={!publicKey}>Sign Message</button>) : null;
- 使用的公钥:
- 留言签名:
- 收到签名:
但我无法使用 Python 3.9 和PyNaCl和Solana-py验证签名消息。我尝试了以下方法:
from nacl.signing import VerifyKey
from solana.publickey import PublicKey
import base58
pubkey = bytes(PublicKey("DKpHyR1WjWE23E3xizPUhefZKmpMrMXNBVfoxQ7WXCRR"))
msg = bytes("hello", 'utf8')
signed = bytes("3EWDdtU1w8pWkr6fg8faJvKn1wBZmNjgf5kUx4Pn5gw4HeBPYVDm7cTHNqpRVMami6yX36jdaeZacv9GXR19Jzye", 'utf8')
result = VerifyKey(
但验证返回:nacl.exceptions.BadSignatureError: Signature was forged or corrupt.
有人知道出了什么问题吗?会不会是编码问题?似乎 JS 使用以下字节类型:
pubkey: Uint8Array(32) [144, 188, 240, 167, 187, 75, 30, 17, 232, 175, 91, 222, 73, 68, 183, 218, 108, 56, 249, 64, 250, 61, 111, 168, 194, 233, 159, 2, 247, 5, 175, 124, buffer: ArrayBuffer(32), byteLength: 32, byteOffset: 0, length: 32]
message: Uint8Array(44) [57, 85, 65, 81, 76, 53, 81, 68, 67, 89, 122, 70, 112, 107, 119, 70, 88, 52, 88, 75, 53, 70, 119, 107, 66, 54, 67, 57, 116, 57, 116, 120, 65, 89, 52, 102, 102, 122, 69, 52, 114, 97, 113, 84, buffer: ArrayBuffer(44), byteLength: 44, byteOffset: 0, length: 44]
signed: Uint8Array(64) [111, 173, 219, 10, 169, 113, 163, 35, 30, 162, 250, 243, 191, 106, 195, 99, 238, 34, 49, 192, 19, 92, 111, 142, 57, 31, 158, 235, 65, 219, 146, 176, 174, 48, 30, 255, 160, 90, 174, 179, 219, 197, 252, 189, 150, 225, 160, 133, 163, 109, 159, 80, 56, 191, 11, 1, 91, 111, 196, 214, 231, 84, 11, 1, buffer: ArrayBuffer(64), byteLength: 64, byteOffset: 0, length: 64]
pubkey: b'\xb7\x1e+\xef\xe19#y}\xa4L\xf2K\rK\xc3\xbby\x93\x1c\x00L\xe1<\x19g`-\x9d\xd5\xee\x94'
msg: b'Cn8eVZg'
signed: b'3EWDdtU1w8pWkr6fg8faJvKn1wBZmNjgf5kUx4Pn5gw4HeBPYVDm7cTHNqpRVMami6yX36jdaeZacv9GXR19Jzye'
我需要在 Python 上使用一些不同的编码吗?