我正在使用 AForge 进行运动检测,并且我知道可以设置运动区域。是否可以使其仅在所有定义区域中都有运动时触发?如果上述功能不可用,我正在考虑编写它。

目前,我的理解是区域设置为视觉库中 MotionDetector.cs 中的 zoneFrame。我正在考虑为每个地区都这样做,但似乎效率不高。



private unsafe void CreateMotionZonesFrame( )
        lock ( this )
            // free previous motion zones frame
            if ( zonesFrame != null )
                zonesFrame.Dispose( );
                zonesFrame = null;

            // create motion zones frame only in the case if the algorithm has processed at least one frame
            if ( ( motionZones != null ) && ( motionZones.Length != 0 ) && ( videoWidth != 0 ) )
                zonesFrame = UnmanagedImage.Create( videoWidth, videoHeight, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed );

                Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight );

                // draw all motion zones on motion frame
                foreach ( Rectangle rect in motionZones )
                    //Please explain here
                    rect.Intersect( imageRect );

                    // rectangle's dimenstion
                    int rectWidth  = rect.Width;
                    int rectHeight = rect.Height;

                    // start pointer
                    //Please explain here
                    int stride = zonesFrame.Stride;

                    //Please explain here
                    byte* ptr = (byte*) zonesFrame.ImageData.ToPointer( ) + rect.Y * stride + rect.X;

                    for ( int y = 0; y < rectHeight; y++ )
                        //Please explain here
                        AForge.SystemTools.SetUnmanagedMemory( ptr, 255, rectWidth );
                        ptr += stride;

1 回答 1




1) 检查是否创建了 motionZones 图像的约束 2) 用白色遮盖区域:

//Please explain here => if the motion region is out of bounds crop it to the image bounds
rect.Intersect( imageRect );

//Please explain here => gets the image stride (width step), the number of bytes per row; see:
int stride = zonesFrame.Stride;

//Please explain here => gets the pointer of the first element in rectangle area
byte* ptr = (byte*) zonesFrame.ImageData.ToPointer( ) + rect.Y * stride + rect.X;

//mask the rectangle area with 255 value. If the image is color every pixel will have the    //(255,255, 255) value which is white color
for ( int y = 0; y < rectHeight; y++ )
    //Please explain here
    AForge.SystemTools.SetUnmanagedMemory( ptr, 255, rectWidth );
    ptr += stride;
于 2014-04-02T07:39:40.007 回答