亲爱的,我正在使用 YottaDB 1.32。我正在尝试从以下位置实施该程序: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObUAklaia1Y。代码如下:
kill ^mesh
open 1:"mtrees.m,old"
if '$test write "mtrees2003.m not found",in,! halt
for use 1 read a quit:'$test do
. set key=$piece(a,":",1) ;text description
. set code=$piece(a,":",2) ;everything else
; extract code numbers
. for i=1:1 set x(i)=$piece(code,".",i) quit:x(i)=""
. set i=i-1
. use 5
; begin building a global reference
. set z="^mesh("
; build a reference like ^mesh("A01","047","025","600")
; by concatenating quotes, codes, quotes, and commas onto z
. for j=1:1:i-1 zet z=z_ """"_x(j)_ ""","
. set z="set "_z_""""_x(i)_""")"_key_""""
; z now looks like set ^mesh("A01","047")="Abdomen"
; now executes the next
. write z,!
. xecute z
close 1
open 1:"mtrees2003.m,old"
At column 9, line 2, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-E-DEVPARUNK, Deviceparameter unknown
. for i=1:1 set x(i)=$piece(code,".",i) quit:x(i)=""
At column 4, line 8, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. set i=i-1
At column 4, line 9, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. use 5
At column 4, line 10, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. set z="^mesh("
At column 4, line 12, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. for j=1:1:i-1 zet z=z_ """"_x(j)_ ""","
At column 4, line 17, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. set z="set "_z_""""_x(i)_""")"_key_""""
At column 4, line 18, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. write z,!
At column 4, line 23, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
. xecute z
At column 4, line 24, source module /home/test/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r/mesh.m
%YDB-W-BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep
mtrees2003.txt 和 mesh.m 都在同一个文件夹中:~/.yottadb/r1.32_x86_64/r。这很重要吗?
YDB>zlink "mesh"
。但是当我这样做时YDB>do ^mesh
,出现的唯一问题是 YDB-E-DEVPARUNK。