考虑以下程序(用 C 语法编写):
#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
CUresult result;
unsigned int init_flags = 0;
result = cuInit(init_flags);
if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
CUcontext ctx;
unsigned int ctx_create_flags = 0;
CUdevice device_id = 0;
result = cuCtxCreate(&ctx, ctx_create_flags, device_id);
// Note: The created context is also made the current context,
// so we are _in_ a context from now on.
if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
CUdeviceptr requested = 0;
CUdeviceptr reserved;
size_t size = 0x20000;
size_t alignment = 0; // default
unsigned long long reserve_flags = 0;
// -----------------------------------
// ==>> FAILURE on next statement <<==
// -----------------------------------
result = cuMemAddressReserve(&reserved, size, alignment, requested, reserve_flags);
if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
const char* error_string;
cuGetErrorString(result, &error_string);
fprintf(stderr, "cuMemAddressReserve() failed: %s\n", error_string);
return 0;
cuMemAddressReserve() failed: invalid argument
我的论点有什么问题?是尺码吗?对齐?请求地址为 0?如果是后者 - 当我真的不在乎的时候,我怎么知道要请求哪个地址?