I am working on ASP.NET Core 6.0 WebAPI and I need to get data from a CRM system (Sales Logix) using Sage SData API. We have different CRM environments (Production, Staging, Development) and I want to be able to connect (or test) any environment from my WebAPI project.

For that to work, I would like to add a configuration key (to indicate a particular CRM environment) either in appsettings.json (or launchsetting.json). For example when setting is "crmEnvironment": "Development", I want to include a custom json file, named crm-dev.json. Similarly for "crmEnvironment": "Staging", I want to include crm-staging.json.

Each custom json file ideally contains the CRM Url, Username and Password.

Please tell me how can I conditionally add json config files as mentioned above, or is there any better approach of achieving similar results, considering security in mind. Best if I could have custom config files encrypted without having to shift away from the standards, just like we did for Web.Config files by inheriting ProtectedConfigurationProvider.

My questions is similar to How can I add a custom JSON file into IConfiguration?. But since Program.cs no longer uses the Main() method, I am wondering what would be the correct way to add custom json config files.


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.AddJsonFile($"Config\\appsettings.{hostContext.HostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)

我将为每个环境创建 Json 文件。您可以通过 IHost 上下文设置环境变量值,也可以通过使用各自环境中的环境变量值来简化您的需求。

于 2022-01-04T01:44:43.890 回答