这并不真正适合任何预定义的聚合函数。您可能需要自己编写。请注意,在 postgresql 中,聚合函数可以用作窗口函数,事实上,从 9.0 开始,这是用 C 以外的任何语言编写窗口函数的唯一方法。
-- accumulator function: first arg is state, second arg is input
create or replace function ouraggfunc(int, int)
returns int immutable language plpgsql as $$
raise info 'ouraggfunc: %, %', $1, $2; -- to help you see what's going on
-- get started by returning the first value ($1 is null - no state - first row)
if $1 is null then
return $2;
end if;
-- if our state is negative, we're summing until it becomes positive
-- otherwise, we're just returning the input
if $1 < 0 then
return $1 + $2;
return $2;
end if;
create aggregate ouragg(basetype = int, sfunc = ouraggfunc, stype = int);
steve@steve@[local] =# create table t(id serial primary key, value int not null, argument int not null);
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "t_id_seq" for serial column "t.id"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t_pkey" for table "t"
steve@steve@[local] =# copy t(value, argument) from stdin;
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 2 2
>> 3 3
>> -10 0
>> 4 0
>> 3 0
>> 10 7
>> 1 1
>> \.
现在,您可以使用带有 window 子句的聚合函数来生成这些值:
steve@steve@[local] =# select value, argument, ouragg(value) over(order by id) from t;
INFO: ouraggfunc: <NULL>, 2
INFO: ouraggfunc: 2, 3
INFO: ouraggfunc: 3, -10
INFO: ouraggfunc: -10, 4
INFO: ouraggfunc: -6, 3
INFO: ouraggfunc: -3, 10
INFO: ouraggfunc: 7, 1
value | argument | ouragg
2 | 2 | 2
3 | 3 | 3
-10 | 0 | -10
4 | 0 | -6
3 | 0 | -3
10 | 7 | 7
1 | 1 | 1
(7 rows)
create function positive(int) returns int immutable strict language sql as
$$ select case when $1 > 0 then $1 else 0 end $$;
select value, argument, positive(ouragg(value) over(order by id)) as raw_agg from t