我正在尝试使用 Vis.js,React
并从 James Tharpe 共享的模式开始:https ://www.jamestharpe.com/react-visjs/ 。
我还试图包括我所谓的 BoltOns,它以网络状态作为参数,允许他们根据需要操纵事件处理程序。
不幸的是,这些 BoltOns 似乎没有以我期望的方式响应状态更新,因此我无法正确设置事件处理程序。我的问题在下面的评论中注明。一般来说,BoltOns 所作用的对象似乎是落后的一个更新。似乎它应该能够以这种方式工作,就好像我触发我的开发服务器重新编译行为一样。
export const NetworkDiagram : FC<NetworkDiagramProps> = ({
BoltOns = [DefaultNetworkDiagramToolbar, NetworkDiagramEditor],
}) =>{
// Forces an update.
// Despite using memo below,
// this causes a circular update.
const [tick, forceUpdate] = useReducer(x=>x+1, 0);
// A reference to the div rendered by this component
const domNode = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
// A reference to the vis network instance
const network = useRef<Network | null>(null);
// An array of nodes
const _nodes = convertNodesToDataSet(nodes||{});
const data: Data = {
nodes : _nodes,
edges : edges
useEffect(() => {
if (domNode.current) {
network.current = new Network(domNode.current, data, {});
physics : true,
height : "100%",
width : "100%",
// This also fails if I limit the number of ticks to 5.
// The ref ref received still does not properly allow me to set the event
// handlers.
// I have also tried
// if(!initLoad) setInitLoad(true);
// but this produces the same behavior as limiting the number of ticks.
}, [domNode, network, data, options]);
return (
<div style={{
position : "relative",
height : "100vh",
width : "100vw"
{BoltOns.map((BoltOn)=><BoltOn updateCount={tick} network={network} domNode={domNode}/>)}
{useMemo(()=><div style={{
height : "100vh",
width : "100vw"
}} ref={domNode}/>, [domNode, network, data, options])}