我有一个带有这个头的php 7+文件

    require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

    use Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\WebDriverActions;
    use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;

    try {

        $arguments = [

        $options = [
            'download.default_directory'  => '/tmp',
        $client = \Symfony\Component\Panther\Client::createChromeClient('',$arguments,$options);
        //... read every link in front page
        //...for to click in each link
        // pass the page where the url is
        $actioWebObj= new WebDriverActions($pantherCrawlerObj->WebDriver());    
        //  pass the url to click
        //... write in a csv file  html data of the visited page

此代码功能正常,并且我在 csv 中拥有我需要的所有数据服务器页面。现在,我尝试将此代码传递给 laravel 8,我将代码放在 App/Classes/ReadWebClass.php 中

    namespace App\Classes;

    use Symfony\Component\Panther\Client;
    use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;
    use Facebook\WebDriver\Interactions\WebDriverActions;

    class ReadWebClass{

        * read all the web and save to the ddbb
        * @return void
        static function readWeb(){
                $arguments = [
                $options = [
                    'download.default_directory'  => '/tmp',

                $client = Client::createChromeClient('',$arguments,$options);
                //... read every link in front page
                //for to click in each link
               // with a dd I have the same list of link with the simple php code
               $actioWebObj= new WebDriverActions($pantherCrawlerObj->WebDriver()); //(<-throw error) 

在 laravel 中,来自 cath 的 $th 向我显示:“调用未定义的方法 Symfony\Component\Panther\DomCrawler\Crawler::WebDriver()” 在 CVCode 的调试器中,$pantherCrawlerObj 是 Symfony\Component\Panther\DomCrawler 的对象\Crawler 类并具有正确的数据。我已经使用作曲家安装了所有东西,它发送给我 ok 。


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