- 密码介于 1-128 个字符之间
- 密码包含大写、小写、数字和特殊字符,具体取决于用户对询问他们是否希望密码包含这些字符的提示的响应。
- 当用户单击“生成密码”按钮时,它应该生成随机密码(基于提示响应)并在更改和文本区域框中显示密码
我不知道为什么我的 generatePassword() 函数代码没有运行。以下是 Chrome 开发人员工具向我显示的错误以及 javascript 代码。
var password = "";
// characters object
var characters = {
lowercase: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
numeric: "0123456789",
special: "!@#$%^&*()"
// Function to generate random number between 8 and 128
var setPasswordLength = function() {
var passwordLength = Math.floor(Math.random()*128)+8;
return passwordLength;
// Function to set password characters
var setPasswordCharacters = function() {
// when prompt answered input validated and character type selected
var alphabet, numbers, special;
while (alphabet === undefined) {
var promptCase = window.prompt("Would you like your password to include UPPER case letters? Enter 'YES' or 'NO.'");
switch (promptCase.toLowerCase()) {
case "yes":
alphabet = characters.lowercase + characters.uppercase;
case "no":
alphabet = characters.lowercase;
window.alert("You need to provide a valid answer. Please try again.");
while (numbers === undefined) {
var promptNumeric = window.prompt("Would you like your password to include numbers? Enter 'YES' or 'NO.'");
switch (promptNumeric.toLowerCase()) {
case "yes":
numbers = characters.numeric
case "no":
numbers = ""
window.alert("You need to provide a valid answer. Please try again.");
while (special === undefined) {
var promptSpecial = window.prompt("Would you like your password to include special characters? Enter 'YES' or 'NO.'");
switch (promptSpecial.toLowerCase()) {
case "yes":
special = characters.special
case "no":
special = ""
window.alert("You need to provide a valid answer. Please try again.");
// set password characters based on prompt responses
password = alphabet + numbers + special;
// Function to shuffle password characters
var shuffle = function() {
var passwordArray = [];
// convert password to an array
var passwordArray = password.split("");
// randomly sort array items
passwordArray = array.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
// set password length from setPasswordLength()
passwordArray.length = setPasswordLength()
// convert passwordArray back to string
password = passwordArray.join("");
var generatePassword = function() {
// prompt and ask for password inputs
// shuffle characters in answers to prompts
// password displayed in an alert
window.alert("Your new password is " + password);
// Get references to the #generate element
var generateBtn = document.querySelector("#generate");
// Write password to the #password input
function writePassword() {
var passwordText = document.querySelector("#password");
passwordText.value = password;
// Add event listener to generate button
generateBtn.addEventListener("click", writePassword);
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<title>Password Generator</title>
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<h1>Password Generator</h1>
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<h2>Generate a Password</h2>
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<textarea readonly id="password" placeholder="Your Secure Password" aria-label="Generated Password"></textarea>
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<button id="generate" class="btn">Generate Password</button>
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