我正在用 C# 编写一个 GIS 应用程序。应用程序的一部分允许用户选择 KML 文件,然后程序将处理该文件。我正在使用OpenFileDialog
private void OnKMLFileSet(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
Polygon polygon = KmlToPolygon(openFileDialog2.FileName);
// After this, I no longer need the file, but the dialog stays open until the end of the method
Graphic graphic = new Graphic();
graphic.Geometry = polygon;
textBox1.Text = string.Format("{0:n}", CalculateAreaInSqKilometers(polygon)).Split('.')[0];
textBox2.Text = string.Format("{0:n}", CalculateAreaInSqMiles(polygon)).Split('.')[0];
textBox3.Text = string.Format("{0:n}", CalculateAreaInSqKnots(polygon)).Split('.')[0];
Note polyInfo = new Note("Polygon with nautical area: " + textBox3.Text, polygon);