当我单击该 taskId 时,我正在尝试呈现特定的 id。现在,当我单击它时,它会将我带到路线/tasks/details/id#并显示 URL 中的特定 ID,但详细信息页面显示所有任务而不是我想查看的特定任务。我非常感谢您抽出宝贵时间对此进行审查,并在此先感谢您。

在 Vuex 中: 从“vuex”导入 { createStore };

export default createStore({
state: {

tasks: [
    id: 1,
    projectType: "Web Development",
    taskName: "Fixing Bug",
    projectDescription: "Task Assigned to fix navbar bug",
    dateCreated: "12/06/2021",
    duration: 1,
    status: "Completed",
    completeDate: "12/06/2021",
    notes: "difficult task, i posponed copuple of times",

    id: 2,
    projectType: "Python",
    taskName: "Tutorials",
    projectDescription: "Looking at python tutorials",
    dateCreated: "12/06/2021",
    duration: 1,
    status: "Completed",
    completeDate: "",
    notes: "difficult task, i posponed copuple of times",
    taskHistory: [],


mutations: {
addTask(state, payload) {


actions: {
addTask(context, data) {
  const registerTask = {
    id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
    projectType: data.project,
    taskName: data.task,
    status: data.status,
    duration: data.duration,
    created: data.created,
    completeDate: data.completed,
    notes: data.notes,
    history: data.history,
    projectDescription: data.desc,
  context.commit("addTask", registerTask);
 getters: {
taskList(state) {
  return state.tasks;

getByLength(state) {
  return state.tasks.length;

getId: (state) => (id) => {
  return state.tasks.find((task) => task.id === id);
modules: {},


<base-card class="wrapper">
<h2>Task Details</h2>
<base-button link :to="'/tasks/add'">Add task</base-button>

v-for="task in tasks"


import ItemsList from "../components/layout/ItemsList.vue";

export default {
data() {
return {

components: { ItemsList },

computed: {
tasks() {
  return this.$store.getters.taskList;
detailsLink() {
  // id# passed from ItemsList to find specific id
  return "/tasks/details/" + this.id;

ITEMSLIST组件:(将 props 传递给 TaskList 的组件)

  <base-card class="wrapper">
      <h3>{{ project }}</h3>

    <li><span>Task Name:</span> {{ task }}</li>
    <li><span> Date Created:</span>{{ created }}</li>
    <li><span> Status: </span> {{ status }}</li>
    <li><span>Duration: </span>{{ duration }} hr</li>
    <li><span>Description: </span> {{ description }}</li>
    <li><span>Id#</span> {{ id }}</li>
    <div class="buttons">
      <base-button link :to="'/tasks/details/' + this.id"

import BaseCard from "../ui/BaseCard.vue";
import BaseButton from "../BaseButton.vue";

export default {
props: [

 components: {

data() {
return {

computed: {
tasks() {
  return this.$store.getters.taskList;
getByLength() {
  return this.$store.getters.getByLength;
// getId() {
//   return this.$store.getters.taskList.find((task) => task.id === this.id);
// },

最后,TaskDetails页面(将使用从 state.$store 来自 VUEX 的道具传递的 id 显示详细信息:

 <base-card class="wrapper">
 <h2>Task Details</h2>

 v-for="task in tasks"


 import BaseCard from "../components/ui/BaseCard.vue";
 import TaskItems from "../components/layout/TaskItems.vue";

 export default {
 components: { BaseCard, TaskItems },

 data() {
 return {};

 computed: {
 tasks() {
 return this.$store.getters.taskList;
 getById() {
 return this.$store.getters.getId;
 taskId() {
 return this.$store.getters.getId.id;

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