编辑:新问题。鉴于我怀疑这个问题比我最初想象的更难——可能是 NP 复杂的,我有一个不同的问题:什么是有用的算法可以接近最大化使用的字母数量?
我受到启发写了一个基于纸牌游戏 Scrabble Slam 的程序!但是,我是算法新手,想不出解决这个问题的有效方法:
您从一个包含英语有效的 4 个字母单词的字符串开始。您可以一次在该单词上放置一个字母,这样通过放置该字母就可以形成一个新的字典有效单词。您拥有的字母等于字母表中的字母。
sand --> sane --> sine --> line --> lins --> pin --> fins 等。
例如,单词 sane 可以变成另外 28 个单词,单词 sine 可以变成另外 27 个单词,单词 line 可以变成另外 30 个单词——这些选择中的每一个都是为了最大化可能性并且可以拼出更多的单词。
##Returns a list of all adjacent words. Lists contain tuples of the adjacent word and the letter that
##makes the difference between those two words.
def adjacentWords(userWord):
adjacentList, exactMatches, wrongMatches = list(), list(), str()
for dictWords in allWords:
for a,b in zip(userWord, dictWords):
if a==b: exactMatches.append(a)
else: wrongMatches = b
if len(exactMatches) == 3:
adjacentList.append((dictWords, wrongMatches))
exactMatches, wrongMatches = list(), list()
return adjacentList
#return [dictWords for dictWords in allWords if len([0 for a,b in zip(userWord, dictWords) if a==b]) == 3]
def adjacentLength(content):
return (len(adjacentWords(content[0])), content[0], content[1])
#Find a word that can be turned into the most other words by changing one letter
def maxLength(adjacentList, startingLetters):
return max(adjacentLength(content) for content in adjacentList if content[1] in startingLetters)
def main():
startingWord = "sand"
startingLetters = "a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z".replace(" ", "").split(',')
existingWords = list()
while True:
adjacentList = adjacentWords(startingWord)
letterChoice = maxLength(adjacentList, startingLetters)
if letterChoice[1] not in existingWords:
print "Going to use letter: "+ str(letterChoice[2]) + " to spell the word "+ str(letterChoice[1]) + " with "+ str(letterChoice[0]) + " possibilities."
startingWord = letterChoice[1]