好的 - 似乎部分原因是我使用了一个 groovy 脚本并在该脚本中标记了我的 bean 类。lamdbaMetafactory 不喜欢。所以我将 bean 类分离到它自己的类文件中
package lamda
class ExampleBeanClass {
private String value = "hello from getter"
private static String staticValue = "static string value"
ExampleBeanClass() {} //constructor
String getValue () {return value}
void setValue (String val) {value = val}
static String getStaticValue () {return staticValue}
static String setStaticValue (String staticVal) {staticValue = staticVal}
现在你可以编写一些测试了——我在这里展示了三个,一个使用通过供应商的访问,另一个使用函数生成的接口。如果您访问非静态方法,则需要绑定实例,并且需要在 invokedType 参数中声明它。
如果您调用静态方法 - 您不需要在 invokedType 中声明 bean,也不需要绑定实例
package lambda
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import lamda.ExampleBeanClass
import java.lang.invoke.CallSite
import java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.function.Supplier
class InvokeDynamicTest {
ExampleBeanClass bean
MethodHandles.Lookup callerCtx
MethodHandle implementationDelegate
void init() {
bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
callerCtx = MethodHandles.lookup()
void dummyTest () {
assert true
assert bean
assert callerCtx
* get value by generating a Supplier interface reference
void accessViaNonStaticBeanSupplierGetter () {
Method reflected = ExampleBeanClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("getValue")
implementationDelegate = callerCtx.unreflect (reflected)
//if you want bind an instance value to your lambda, you have to include those types in the InvokedType signature, and then do the bind
CallSite site = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
"get", //functional interface method name
MethodType.methodType (Supplier.class, ExampleBeanClass), //invoked type
MethodType.methodType (Object.class), // SAM method type signature of required interface
implementationDelegate, //code thats doing the real work
MethodType.methodType (String) //expected return type of instantiated method, expected as subtype of SAM type
MethodHandle factory = site.getTarget().bindTo (bean) //invokedType defined bean class, so now bind one here
Supplier func = (Supplier) factory.invokeWithArguments()
assert func.get() == "hello from getter"
* get value by generating a functional interface reference
void accessViaNonStaticBeanFunctionTypeGetter () {
Method reflected = ExampleBeanClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("getValue")
implementationDelegate = callerCtx.unreflect (reflected)
//if you want bind an instance value to your lambda, you have to include those types in the InvokedType signature, and then do the bind
CallSite site = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
"apply", //functional interface method name
MethodType.methodType (Function.class, ExampleBeanClass), //invoked type
MethodType.methodType (Object.class), // SAM method type signature of required interface
implementationDelegate, //code thats doing the real work
MethodType.methodType (String) //expected return type of instantiated method, expected as subtype of SAM type
MethodHandle factory = site.getTarget().bindTo (bean) //invokedType defined bean class, so now bind one here
Function func = (Function) factory.invokeWithArguments()
assert func.apply() == "hello from getter"
void accessViaStaticBeanGetter () {
Method reflected = ExampleBeanClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("getStaticValue")
implementationDelegate = callerCtx.unreflect (reflected)
//as we are invoking static type we don't need to bind an instance to the site for this test case
CallSite site = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
"get", //functional interface method name
MethodType.methodType (Supplier.class), //invoked type, doesnt need bean class for static invocation
MethodType.methodType (Object.class), // SAM method type signature of required interface
implementationDelegate, //code thats doing the real work
MethodType.methodType (String) //expected return type of instantiated method, expected as subtype of SAM type
MethodHandle factory = site.getTarget()
Supplier func = (Supplier) factory.invokeWithArguments()
assert func.get() == "static string value"
我希望这可以安全地讨论如何使用 LambdaMetafactory 几个小时。但是,如果您想使用它,它的使用仍然非常棘手,并且了解如何驾驶它
为了帮助改进 fiddley 的使用,我尝试生成几个静态的“helper”方法,为你伪装一些 fiddley 类型匹配。
class ClassUtils {
private static MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
* generates a functional interface from a callSite
* @param functionalInterfaceReturnClass
* @param instance
* @param sourceMethodName
* @param sourceMethodArgTypes
* @return
static def getLambdaFromReflectionMethod(Class<?> functionalInterfaceReturnClass, Object instance, String sourceMethodName, Class<?>... sourceMethodArgTypes) {
Method reflectedCall
String funcionalInterfaceMethodName
switch (functionalInterfaceReturnClass) {
case Supplier -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "get"
case Function -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "apply"
case BiFunction -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "apply"
case Consumer -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "accept"
case Predicate -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "test"
case Callable -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "call"
case Runnable -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "run"
default -> funcionalInterfaceMethodName = "apply"
Class runtimeClazz = instance.getClass()
def size = sourceMethodArgTypes.size()
if (sourceMethodArgTypes?.size() > 0 ) {
reflectedCall = instance.class.getMethod(sourceMethodName, *sourceMethodArgTypes )
} else {
reflectedCall = instance.class.getMethod(sourceMethodName)
MethodHandle delegateImplHandle = lookup.unreflect(reflectedCall)
MethodType invokedMethodType = MethodType.methodType(functionalInterfaceReturnClass, runtimeClazz)
MethodType samMethodType = (instance instanceof Closure ) ? MethodType.methodType (Object)
: delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1).erase()
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = (instance instanceof Closure ) ? MethodType.methodType (Object)
: delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1)
//now get a callSite for the handle - https://wttech.blog/blog/2020/method-handles-and-lambda-metafactory/
java.lang.invoke.CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, //calling Ctx for methods
funcionalInterfaceMethodName, //name of the functional interface name to invoke
invokedMethodType, // MethodType.methodType(Supplier, Closure ),
samMethodType, //MethodType.methodType(Object), // samMthodType: signature and return type of method to be implemented after type erasure
delegateImplHandle, //implMethod handle that does the work - the handle for closure call()
instantiatedMethodType //instantiatedMethodType: signature and return type that should be forced dynamically at invocation.
MethodHandle factory = callSite.getTarget()
return factory.bindTo(instance).invokeWithArguments()
* generates a functional interface from a callSite
* @param returnClass
* @param instance
* @param sourceMethodName
* @param args
* @return
static def getLambdaFromStaticReflectionMethod(Class<?> functionalInterfaceClass, Class<?> sourceClazz, String sourceMethodName, Class<?>... sourceMethodArgTypes) {
Method reflectedCall
String functionalInterfaceMethodName
switch (functionalInterfaceClass) {
case Supplier -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "get"
case Function -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "apply"
case BiFunction -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "apply"
case Consumer -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "accept"
case Predicate -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "test"
case Callable -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "call"
case Runnable -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "run"
default -> functionalInterfaceMethodName = "apply"
Class runtimeClazz = sourceClazz
Class closClazz = Closure.class
if (sourceMethodArgTypes?.size() > 0 )
reflectedCall = runtimeClazz.getMethod(sourceMethodName, *sourceMethodArgTypes )
reflectedCall = runtimeClazz.getMethod(sourceMethodName )
MethodHandle delegateImplHandle = lookup.unreflect(reflectedCall)
* weird with closure instantiatedMethodType, and samMethodType seem to need form ()<returnType>
* if using instance of ordinary class you can get form (<source>)<returnType>
MethodType invokedMethodType = MethodType.methodType(functionalInterfaceClass)
MethodType samMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().erase()
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type()
* wont work at mo for static functions to be generated
//now get a callSite for the handle - https://wttech.blog/blog/2020/method-handles-and-lambda-metafactory/
java.lang.invoke.CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, //calling Ctx for methods
functionalInterfaceMethodName, //name of the functional interface name to invoke
invokedMethodType, // MethodType.methodType(Supplier, Closure ),
samMethodType, //MethodType.methodType(Object), // samMthodType: signature and return type of method to be implemented after type erasure
delegateImplHandle, //implMethod handle that does the work - the handle for closure call()
instantiatedMethodType //instantiatedMethodType: signature and return type that should be forced dynamically at invocation.
MethodHandle factory = callSite.getTarget()
return ( factory.invokeWithArguments() ).asType(functionalInterfaceClass)
和一些测试来证明这个工作与我用来交叉检查我用于直接使用 LambdaFactory 的 MethodTypes 的原始访问一起工作。这并没有严格测试所有选项,但测试的示例案例应该可以工作。
class ClassUtilsTest {
void generateSupplierFromClosure () {
Closure myClos = {"hello"}
Supplier supplier = ClassUtils.getLambdaFromReflectionMethod(Supplier, myClos, 'call')
supplier.get() == "hello"
void generateSupplierFromBeanClassInstance () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
Supplier supplier = ClassUtils.getLambdaFromReflectionMethod(Supplier, bean, 'getValue')
supplier.get() == "hello from getter"
* slightly unnatural but you can get a functional interface for a getter,
* when you invoke just invoke with empty args list -
* bit using Supplier interface feels better fit
void generateFunctionFromBeanClassInstance () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
Function function = ClassUtils.getLambdaFromReflectionMethod(Function, bean, 'getValue')
function.apply() == "hello from getter"
void generateSupplierFromBeanClassStaticMethod () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
Supplier supplier = ClassUtils.getLambdaFromStaticReflectionMethod(Supplier, bean.getClass(), 'getStaticValue')
supplier.get() == "static string value"
void generatePredicateFromBeanClassInstance () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
Predicate predicate = ClassUtils.getLambdaFromReflectionMethod(Predicate, bean, 'test', Object)
predicate.test(10) == true
void generateSupplierFromBeanClassInstanceViaCallSiteDirect () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
MethodHandle delegateImplHandle = lookup.findVirtual(ExampleBeanClass,'getValue',MethodType.methodType(String))
MethodType invokedMethodType = MethodType.methodType(Supplier, ExampleBeanClass)
MethodType sam = MethodType.methodType (Object.class)
MethodType samMethodTypeNoDrop = delegateImplHandle.type().erase()
MethodType samMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1).erase()
MethodType ins = MethodType.methodType (String.class)
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1)
java.lang.invoke.CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, //calling Ctx for methods
'get', //name of the functional interface name to invoke
invokedMethodType, // MethodType.methodType(Supplier, Closure ),
samMethodType, //MethodType.methodType(Object), // samMthodType: signature and return type of method to be implemented after type erasure
delegateImplHandle, //implMethod handle that does the work - the handle for closure call()
instantiatedMethodType //instantiatedMethodType: signature and return type that should be forced dynamically at invocation.
MethodHandle factory = callSite.getTarget()
Supplier supplier = factory.bindTo(bean).invokeWithArguments()
supplier.get() == "hello from getter"
void generateFunctionFromBeanClassInstanceViaCallSiteDirect () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
MethodHandle delegateImplHandle = lookup.findVirtual(ExampleBeanClass,'getValue',MethodType.methodType(String))
MethodType invokedMethodType = MethodType.methodType(Function, ExampleBeanClass)
MethodType sam = MethodType.methodType (Object.class)
MethodType samMethodTypeNoDrop = delegateImplHandle.type().erase()
MethodType samMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1).erase()
MethodType ins = MethodType.methodType (String.class)
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1)
java.lang.invoke.CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, //calling Ctx for methods
'apply', //name of the functional interface name to invoke
invokedMethodType, // MethodType.methodType(Supplier, Closure ),
samMethodType, //MethodType.methodType(Object), // samMthodType: signature and return type of method to be implemented after type erasure
delegateImplHandle, //implMethod handle that does the work - the handle for closure call()
instantiatedMethodType //instantiatedMethodType: signature and return type that should be forced dynamically at invocation.
MethodHandle factory = callSite.getTarget()
Function function = factory.bindTo(bean).invokeWithArguments()
function.apply() == "hello from getter"
void generatePredicateFromBeanClassInstanceViaCallSiteDirect () {
ExampleBeanClass bean = new ExampleBeanClass()
MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup()
MethodHandle delegateImplHandle = lookup.findVirtual(ExampleBeanClass,'test',MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object))
MethodType invokedMethodType = MethodType.methodType(Predicate, ExampleBeanClass)
MethodType sam = MethodType.methodType (boolean.class, Object)
MethodType samMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1).erase()
MethodType ins = MethodType.methodType (boolean.class, Object)
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = delegateImplHandle.type().dropParameterTypes(0,1)
java.lang.invoke.CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, //calling Ctx for methods
'test', //name of the functional interface name to invoke
invokedMethodType, // MethodType.methodType(Predicate, ExampleBeanClass ),
samMethodType, //MethodType.methodType(Object), // samMthodType: signature and return type of method to be implemented after type erasure
delegateImplHandle, //implMethod handle that does the work - the handle for closure call()
instantiatedMethodType //instantiatedMethodType: signature and return type that should be forced dynamically at invocation.
MethodHandle factory = callSite.getTarget()
Predicate predicate = factory.bindTo(bean).invokeWithArguments()
predicate.test(10) == true