I need to embed a linked, non-editable table from Google Sheets in Google Sites, and I've made some progress, but there three issues I cannot resolve. Please note - this is very specific to Google and I have many restrictions on my corporate instance.

Everything in the following code works the way I expect, but I can't figure out how to resolve the last three items listed below.

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSY9mQ6w-t1nC6CNq9M7FqqXiCgGmdxMF7GdFoV5TkJjE9URrBpxq_uB8tKIfliOBELnTOvoHcH7_am/pubhtml?gid=0&amp;range=A2:E20&amp;single=false&amp;widget=false&amp;headers=false&amp"; width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

How do I get the iframe to:

  • centre on the Google Site page no matter the browser (i.e. desktop vs device) (Problem A),
  • centre the content inside the iframe, instead of cramming it into the top left corner (B),
  • stop showing the title of the Google Sheet and Tab (C)?

Image of test iframe on throwaway Google Site

I have tried using div containers, position: absolute, left, right, top, bottom, margins, title=false, inline-block, etc., with no luck. I'm not even sure what kind of language I can use, since most HTML doesn't even seem to work - and if it does, I have to adapt the punctuation - and CSS definitely doesn't work.

Link to site: Link to Throwaway Site


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