157 次
2 回答
包,然后 Latex 将自动调整您的列宽以适应可用空间:
& Largest problem solved & Computer & Time & Remarks\\
Dynamic programming (Held and Karp) & 13 & 7090 & 0.98 &
\item Storage limitations prevented the solution of larger problems
\item Required computer time is deterministic
于 2021-12-14T09:05:55.233 回答
这是一个间距更好的解决方案。我还为表格使用了较小的字体 ( footnotesize
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/6454/113546
\newcommand\compress{\csname @minipagetrue\endcsname}
\newenvironment{smallenum}{\begin{enumerate}[(1), left=0pt, nosep]\compress}{\end{enumerate}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}p{3cm} q{8mm} q{8mm} q{6mm} X}
& \multicolumn{1}{r{8mm}}{Largest problem solved} & \multicolumn{1}{r{8mm}}{Com\-puter} & \multicolumn{1}{r{6mm}}{Time (min)} &
\multicolumn{1}{>{\centering}m{5cm}}{Remarks} \\
\midrule Dynamic programming (Held and Karp) & 13 & 7090 & 0.98 &
\item Storage limitations prevented the solution of larger problems
\item Required computer time is deterministic
\end{smallenum} \\
Branch-and-Bound (Little, et al) & 40 & 7090 & 8.37 &
\item Time reported is the expected time and one might experience large deviations for a particular problem.
\item Time reported refers to randomly selected, asymmetric $c_{ij}$. Considerable difficulty reported for Euclidean problems.
于 2021-12-15T16:58:10.480 回答