- 快速 MA 交叉 慢速 MA
- 检查 SMA 的斜率(如图所示)。如果坡度开始下降,请执行以下操作
- 确定枢轴高点(价格通道的上限)
- 下限是从枢轴高点减去 5xATR
- 只要价格保持在该限制范围内,更改背景颜色
- 当价格超出该限制时,不显示
- 如果价格回到那个通道,不要改变背景颜色。
- 每次交叉只执行一次。
[enter image description here][2]
indicator(title ="Sideways Market after rally", overlay = true)
// taking user inputs
slowSMAlength = input.int(title="Slow SMA Period", defval=200)
fastSMAlength = input.int(title="Fast SMA Period", defval=21)
ROC_lookback = input.int(title="ROC Lookback Period", defval=15)
//calculating EMAs
fastSMA = ta.sma(close, fastSMAlength)
slowSMA = ta.sma(close, slowSMAlength)
//finding the slope and than smoothing it
slope_sma = (ta.roc(slowSMA, ROC_lookback))*63.2 //slope of slow moving average
smoothed_slope = ta.sma (slope_sma, 15) // smoothing by taking Smoothed moving average of the slope
isRising = ta.rising(smoothed_slope, 10)
// initial conditons for long and short entry
longcondition = fastSMA >= slowSMA // uptrend
//Entry Conditions
longentry = ta.crossover(fastSMA, slowSMA) and longcondition // when fast MA cross above the slow MA and fast MA greater than slow MA
// finding ATR
atr = ta.atr(14)
//variables for finding the sideways markets
float phigh = 0.0
float phigh_1 = 0.0
var bool sideways = false // variables to verify that code only execute once when the condition is true
//*******************execute this piece of code only once when these condition happens***********************************************
if (long entry and long condition and isRising==0 and sideways==false) // after fast SMA crossover slow SMA and fastSMA is greater than slow SMA and slope starts falling
sideways:= true //sideways variable becomes true so that this if statement is not executed next time before condition changes
phigh := ta.pivothigh (high, 15, 5) // find the pivot high point and it will be the upper limit of the sideways channel
phigh_1 := phigh - 4*atr // find the lower limit of the channel by subtracting 4 ATRs from the pivot high
if (close > phigh or close < phigh_1 and sideways == true ) // if the price goes above the defined price limits (price channel) and above code is executed
sideways := false // change the state of the variable
//plot the variables
bgcolor(close < phigh or close > phigh_1 ? color.new(color.red,90) : na) // color the background as long as the price remians in the limit "phigh" and "phigh_1"
plot(series=slowSMA, title="Slow EMA", color=color.blue, linewidth=2) // plot moving averages
plot(series=fastSMA, title="Fast SMA", color=color.yellow, linewidth=1) // plot moving averages
***************************************CODE END*************************************************