最近,我一直在尝试编写一个可以更改 mp3 文件的 ID3 标签的程序。我设法编写代码来很容易地获取这些标签,但我不知道如何编写代码来修改标签。我认为可能没有简单的解决方案,所以我决定尝试一些库。这可能是我的错,但它们都不起作用..
无论如何,我的问题是:如何编写自己的代码来修改 ID3 标签?如果不是那么容易,有没有可以推荐的库?
你应该看看图书馆jAudioTagger。下面是一个将自定义标签 (TXXX) 写入音频文件的示例:
* This will write a custom ID3 tag (TXXX).
* This works only with MP3 files (Flac with ID3-Tag not tested).
* @param description The description of the custom tag i.e. "catalognr"
* There can only be one custom TXXX tag with that description in one MP3 file
* @param text The actual text to be written into the new tag field
* @return True if the tag has been properly written, false otherwise
public boolean setCustomTag(AudioFile audioFile, String description, String text){
FrameBodyTXXX txxxBody = new FrameBodyTXXX();
// Get the tag from the audio file
// If there is no ID3Tag create an ID3v2.3 tag
Tag tag = audioFile.getTagOrCreateAndSetDefault();
// If there is only a ID3v1 tag, copy data into new ID3v2.3 tag
if(!(tag instanceof ID3v23Tag || tag instanceof ID3v24Tag)){
Tag newTagV23 = null;
if(tag instanceof ID3v1Tag){
newTagV23 = new ID3v23Tag((ID3v1Tag)audioFile.getTag()); // Copy old tag data
if(tag instanceof ID3v22Tag){
newTagV23 = new ID3v23Tag((ID3v11Tag)audioFile.getTag()); // Copy old tag data
AbstractID3v2Frame frame = null;
if(tag instanceof ID3v23Tag){
frame = new ID3v23Frame("TXXX");
else if(tag instanceof ID3v24Tag){
frame = new ID3v24Frame("TXXX");
try {
} catch (FieldDataInvalidException e) {
return false;
try {
} catch (CannotWriteException e) {
return false;
return true;
我最终自己编写了一个标签编辑器,因为我不想使用库。它仅适用于 ID3v1 标签。 完整代码
因此,您所要做的就是将 128 个字节写入文件末尾。以TAG
开头,后跟 30 个字节的标题,30 个字节的艺术家等。可以在此处找到流派列表。
public void writeID3v1Tags(File file, String title, String artist, String album, String year, String comment, int genreId) { throws IOException {
RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
FileChannel channel = randomAccessFile.getChannel();
if (!hasID3v1Tag(channel)) {
writeTag(channel, "TAG", 3);
writeTag(channel, title, 30);
writeTag(channel, artist, 30);
writeTag(channel, album, 30);
writeTag(channel, year, 4);
writeTag(channel, comment, 30);
writeTag(channel, String.valueOf((char) genreId), 1);
private void writeTag(FileChannel channel, String tagValue, int maxLength) throws IOException {
int length = tagValue.length();
if (length > maxLength) {
tagValue = tagValue.substring(0, maxLength);
length = tagValue.length();
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(tagValue.getBytes());
byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(maxLength - length);
private boolean hasID3v1Tag(FileChannel channel) throws IOException {
channel.position(channel.size() - 128);
String prefix = readTag(channel, 3);
return "TAG".equals(prefix);
如果您想要更多标签(如专辑封面、歌词等),您需要使用 ID3v2。它的工作原理基本相同,但有点复杂,在https://id3.org/id3v2.3.0下有更多信息