We need to implement DeepAr with AWS chime on React Native. Currently live stream with AWS chime is done but facing problem to integrate DeepAr for broadcasting. DeepAr only is integrated for liver side but couldnot sent that frame towards the AWS chime on the other end.


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我没有使用 DeepAR 的经验。但这是我建议你做的事情。

  1. 确保肝脏屏幕上显示的视频流和播放到铃声的流相同。
  2. 避免多个流初始化,因为您将面临 Apple 设备上的硬件限制。

您需要从 DeepAR 获取流并将其传递给 chime。或者您可以尝试一种解决方法,例如 Chime SDK 的初始化流,然后将其附加到 DeepAR。

于 2021-12-13T05:38:18.560 回答