1. 在模拟器或真实设备上运行我的 iOS 应用程序
  2. 在 MAC 中打开 Console.app
  3. 强制退出并重新启动应用程序
  4. 检查日志

我看到这个日志显示为“故障”,但我不知道它来自哪里,我也找不到来自 Apple 的任何信息。有没有人见过这个错误?我应该从哪里开始调试它?它甚至意味着什么?请大家帮忙谢谢!!!

*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _warnAboutNSObjectInAllowedClasses]: NSSecureCoding allowed classes list contains [NSObject class], which bypasses security by allowing any Objective-C class to be implicitly decoded. Consider reducing the scope of allowed classes during decoding by listing only the classes you expect to decode, or a more specific base class than NSObject. This will be disallowed in the future.


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