I'm writing an application that uses the JavaFX library and the JBibTex library.
I'm also using Maven in my project to be able to package my application in a .jar. Using the javafx-maven-plugin, the command one has to use to package the application is mvn javafx:jlink
The issue now is that javafx:jlink only supports explicit modules. JBibTex isn't an explicit module so it yields the following error:
Error: automatic module cannot be used with jlink: jbibtex
I've then come accross the ModiTect maven plugin during my searches which sounded promising. So I've set my pom.xml up like so:
<!-- javafx dependancies-->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jbibtex/jbibtex -->
If I then run the mvn clean install
command, i get the error:
Error: myProject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is a modular JAR file that cannot be specified with the --generate-module-info option
which is caused by the add-module-infos
What is wrong with my setup? Why cannot ModiTect add the module-info of JBibTex to my .jar (if that's actually what it's doing)?