我有一个 Kusto 查询,结果是表格格式。但是当我应用条件格式时,它不会按照我创建的规则以正确的颜色突出显示单元格。
例如 - 我有一个带有持续时间的列并将规则设置如下
Green if > 0
Blue if > 1
Yellow if > 5
Red if > 20
But I see some of the cell that has value 2.5 is highlighted in Red . where the color should be blue. When I delete the rule for Red, the cell changes to Yellow color. Is there a solution for this or right way to apply rule.Thanks. This is projecting a wrong alert. Thanks for any inputs.
Screenshot of column with formating
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
some of the values are in red which should be in blue as per the rules (refer screenshot below)
You can see the rules below
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/uEFUx.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/9lpmh.png
datatable (AvgDuration: string, AvgDurationWin: string, AvgDurationLinux: string, MinDuration: string, MaxDuration: string) [
"0.0666 s","0.0732 s","0.0525 s","0.015 s","0.684 s",
"0.0663 s","0.0712 s","0.0535 s","0.015 s","0.851 s",
"0.0649 s","0.0700 s","0.0521 s","0.014 s","0.674 s",
"25.050 s","17.614 s","18.428 s","13.133 s","56.284 s",
"0.0982 s","0.1074 s","0.0805 s","0.021 s","1.078 s",
"0.0982 s","0.1046 s","0.0814 s","0.021 s","1.041 s",
"0.0982 s","0.1058 s","0.0813 s","0.021 s","1.106 s",
"0.0987 s","0.1089 s","0.0814 s","0.022 s","1.039 s",
"0.0992 s","0.1074 s","0.0817 s","0.022 s","1.032 s"