我有以下需要以下 React.js 组件:

  • 通过使用 fetch 调用服务器端 API 来保持单击按钮时的状态。
  • 当组件初始化时,调用后在组件中设置状态useEffect,使用 fetch 调用服务器端 API 以获取对象的当前状态。




import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useParams, useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
import { useMachine } from "@xstate/react";
import {MagellanButton} from "./Styles";
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import '../App.css';

const approvalMachine = createMachine({
    id: 'approve',
    initial: 'Not Submitted',
    context: {
        retries: 0
    states: {
        'Not Submitted': {
            on: {
                SUBMIT: 'Pending Approval'
        'Pending Approval': {
            on: {
                CANCEL: 'Not Submitted',
                CHANGE: 'Change Request',
                DENIED: 'Denied',
                APPROVED: 'Approved'
        'Change Request': {
            on: {
                RESUBMITTED: 'Pending Approval',
                CANCEL: 'Not Submitted'
        Denied: {
            type: 'final'
        Approved: {
            on: {
                PUBLISH: 'Published'
        Published: {
            type: "final"

function MagellanStateManager({id}) {
    const parameters = useParams();
    const history = useHistory()
    const [state, send] = useMachine(approvalMachine);

    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <span style={{float: "right", marginTop: 8}}>
            <span className="m-form-label  ml-3">State:</span> <span>{state.value}</span>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('SUBMIT')} onClick={() => send('SUBMIT')}>Submit</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('CANCEL')} onClick={() => send('CANCEL')}>Cancel</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('CHANGE')} onClick={() => send('CHANGE')}>Change</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('RESUBMITTED')} onClick={() => send('RESUBMITTED')}>Resubmit</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('DENIED')} onClick={() => send('DENIED')}>Deny</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('APPROVED')} onClick={() => send('APPROVED')}>Approve</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={!state.nextEvents.includes('PUBLISH')} onClick={() => send('PUBLISH')}>Publish</MagellanButton>


export default MagellanStateManager;

1 回答 1


从 Taxel 的评论中,我找到了我的解决方案。这是更改后的反应元素。我将不胜感激任何其他评论,以使其变得更好。


import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import { createMachine, interpret } from 'xstate';
import {MagellanButton} from "./Styles";
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import '../App.css';

const approvalMachine = createMachine({
    id: 'approve',
    initial: 'Not Submitted',
    context: {
        retries: 0
    states: {
        'Not Submitted': {
            on: {
                SUBMIT: 'Pending Approval'
        'Pending Approval': {
            on: {
                CANCEL: 'Not Submitted',
                CHANGE: 'Change Request',
                DENIED: 'Denied',
                APPROVED: 'Approved'
        'Change Request': {
            on: {
                RESUBMITTED: 'Pending Approval',
                CANCEL: 'Not Submitted'
        Denied: {
            type: 'final'
        Approved: {
            on: {
                PUBLISH: 'Published'
        Published: {
            type: "final"

function MagellanStateManager({id}) {
    const [service, setService] = useState(interpret(approvalMachine));
    const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

    useEffect(() => {
        // TODO: Add the fetch to get the stored state from the server
        const approvalService = interpret(approvalMachine);
        // TODO: Add dependencies for the useEffect for when identification values change
    }, []);

    function storeState(theEvent) {
        const newState = service.send(theEvent);
        const theState = JSON.stringify(newState);
        // TODO: Add the fetch to send the state to the server to be stored
        setCounter(counter + 1);

    function notEvent(theEvent) {
        if (service != null && service._state != null) {
            return !service._state.nextEvents.includes(theEvent);
        } else {
            return true;

    return (
        <span style={{float: "right", marginTop: 8}}>
            <span className="m-form-label  ml-3">State:</span> <span>{service ? service._state ? service._state.value : "" : ""}</span>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('SUBMIT')} onClick={() => storeState('SUBMIT')}>Submit</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('CANCEL')} onClick={() => storeState('CANCEL')}>Cancel</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('CHANGE')} onClick={() => storeState('CHANGE')}>Change</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('RESUBMITTED')} onClick={() => storeState('RESUBMITTED')}>Resubmit</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('DENIED')} onClick={() => storeState('DENIED')}>Deny</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('APPROVED')} onClick={() => storeState('APPROVED')}>Approve</MagellanButton>
            <MagellanButton className="ml-3" disabled={notEvent('PUBLISH')} onClick={() => storeState('PUBLISH')}>Publish</MagellanButton>


export default MagellanStateManager;
于 2021-12-02T18:25:20.663 回答