它们具有相同的 O(1) 的摊销复杂度,但是当找不到值时,运算符也会创建一个新元素。如果找到该值,则性能差异应该很小。我的提升有点旧 - 版本 1.41,但希望没关系。这是代码:
// find
// strong exception safety, no side effects
template <class H, class P, class A, class G, class K>
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_table<H, P, A, G, K>::iterator_base
hash_table<H, P, A, G, K>::find(key_type const& k) const
if(!this->size_) return this->end();
bucket_ptr bucket = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_index(k));
node_ptr it = find_iterator(bucket, k);
return iterator_base(bucket, it);
return this->end();
// if hash function throws, basic exception safety
// strong otherwise
template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::value_type&
hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::operator[](key_type const& k)
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME value_type::second_type mapped_type;
std::size_t hash_value = this->hash_function()(k);
bucket_ptr bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);
if(!this->buckets_) {
node_constructor a(*this);
a.construct_pair(k, (mapped_type*) 0);
return *this->emplace_empty_impl_with_node(a, 1);
node_ptr pos = this->find_iterator(bucket, k);
return node::get_value(pos);
else {
// Side effects only in this block.
// Create the node before rehashing in case it throws an
// exception (need strong safety in such a case).
node_constructor a(*this);
a.construct_pair(k, (mapped_type*) 0);
// reserve has basic exception safety if the hash function
// throws, strong otherwise.
if(this->reserve_for_insert(this->size_ + 1))
bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);
// Nothing after this point can throw.
return node::get_value(add_node(a, bucket));