Hay I am new to Odoo Customizing and Python and wanted to know how I can iterate through a field and take the values out of the field and put them in a new one.
The field I want to iterate through contains multiple email adresses. I want to iterate through these email adress fields, collect the email adresses and store them together in a new field.
For that I need a function.
The field I want to iterate through: My One2many field contains multiple mail adresses which I want to iterate through and collect.
field_contacts_customer_info = fields.One2many(
'contacts.customer.information', 'another_id', string='Contacts for customer information')
The field I want to store the collected email adresses in:
selected_email = fields.Char(compute='compute_email')
This is my class: I want to collect all the email adresses from the mail_contacts field.
_name = 'contacts.customer.information'
_rec_name = 'name_contacts'
name_contacts = fields.Many2one(
'res.partner', string="Person", domain = [('is_company', '=', False)])
mail_contacts = fields.Char(
related = 'name_contacts.email' ,string="Email")
another_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="AnotherID")
My Try: This function collects only the last set record of the field_contacts_customer_info
field and puts this record in the selected_email field of every company.So it does not work right. It should collect all the mails of the field_contacts_customer_info
field for every company seperated and then put them in the selected_mail
field of the belonging company.
def compute_email(self):
list_email = []
for record in self:
if record.is_company:
for element in record.field_contacts_customer_info:
if element.name_contacts:
for email in list_email:
self.selected_email = email