我正在尝试编写一个受 Aristid Lindenmayers L-System启发的小型递归重写系统,主要是为了学习 Prolog 以及思考 Prolog 中的生成概念。我想在没有 DCG 的情况下实现这一目标。由于具有副作用的初始generate.
和谓词,它不是 100% 纯序言的想法。output
没有常量的基本示例,可以以类似的方式添加。Axiom 一开始只使用一次。这个想法是将要交换的规则名称或符号以及应该与之交换的符号编码为事实/关系。Start withgenerate.
会用计数器重复 20 次。
% The rules
axiom(a, [a]).
rule(a, [a, b]).
rule(b, [a]).
% Starts the program
generate :-
axiom(a, G),
next_generation(20, G).
% repeats it until counter 0.
next_generation(0, _) :- !.
next_generation(N, G) :-
linden(G, Next),
succ(N1, N),
next_generation(N1, Next).
% Concatenates the list to one string for the output
output(G) :-
% Here I am stuck, the recursive lookup and exchange.
% How do I exchange each element with the according substitution to a new list
linden([],[]). % Empty list returns empty list.
linden([R],Next) :- % List with just one Element, e.g. the axiom
rule(R, Next). % Lookup the rule and List to exchange the current
linden([H|T], Next) :- % If more than one Element is in the original list
rule(H,E), % match the rule for the current Head/ List element
% ????? % concatenate the result with the result of former elements
linden(T, Next). % recursive until the original list is processed.
% Once this is done it returns the nw list to next_generation/2