- 使用 ID 和密码登录平台(完成)
- 获取数据数组(暂时硬编码)
- 使用数组的每个元素执行 API 调用,获取每个元素的结果并将其放入另一个数组
- 简而言之,通过传递一个 id 数组作为输入,我应该得到一个结果数组作为输出
为了进一步简化问题,我决定使用一个 id 并将其传递 1000 次,而不是 1000 个不同值的数组。
我可以每分钟调用 API 300 次,否则我会得到著名的“429 问题”->
我的应用程序不使用 express。我正在寻找替代品并遇到了瓶颈包。它完全符合我的需要,并且应该限制 API 调用以及在失败或事件管理的情况下执行重试(请参阅上面链接中的文档)。
const BottleNeck = require('bottleneck');
const logger = require('./functions/logger');
* this reservoir is allowed to execute 300 requests/ minute
const limiter = new BottleNeck({
reservoir: 300, // 300 requests per minute
reservoirRefreshAmount: 249,
reservoirRefreshInterval: 60 * 1000, // must be divisible by 250
trackDoneStatus: true,
minTime: 300//5 requests per second
limiter.on("debug", function (message, data) {
// Useful to figure out what the limiter is doing in real time
// and to help debug your application
limiter.on("depleted", function (empty) {
logger.info(`BottleNeck() - reservoir is empty. Waiting... ${limiter.options}`);
// This will be called every time the reservoir drops to 0.
// The `empty` (boolean) argument indicates whether `limiter.empty()` is currently true.
limiter.on("dropped", function (dropped) {
// This will be called when a strategy was triggered.
// The dropped request is passed to this event listener.
limiter.on("empty", function () {
// This will be called when `limiter.empty()` becomes true.
limiter.on("error", function (error) {
/* handle errors here */
logger.error(`Limiter : fetched error ${error.message}`);
// Listen to the "failed" event
limiter.on("failed", async (error, jobInfo) => {
const id = jobInfo.options.id;
console.warn(`Job ${id} failed: ${error}`);
if (jobInfo.retryCount === 0) { // Here we only retry once
console.log(`Retrying job ${id} in 25ms!`);
return 25;
limiter.on("idle", function () {
// This will be called when `limiter.empty()` is `true` and `limiter.running()` is `0`.
limiter.on("queued", function (info) {
// This event is triggered when a job transitions from one Lifecycle stage to another
// Listen to the "retry" event
limiter.on("retry", (error, jobInfo) => console.log(`Now retrying ${jobInfo.options.id}`));
module.exports = { bottleNeck: limiter };
(假设 logger 是使用 logs4js 或任何其他方式定义的。
const { logger } = require("./functions/logger");
const { moment } = require("moment");
const { toCloudLogin, youOnlyHadOneJob } = require("./functions/toCloud");
const { bottleNeck } = require("./apiBottleNeck");
const go = async () => {
try {
await toCloudLogin();
logger.info(`starting the bottleneck`);
let counter = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < 310; x++) { //calling same job through bottleneck many times
let reservoir = await bottleNeck.currentReservoir(); // returns integer of the current
// reservoir api calls left
const result = await bottleNeck.schedule(async () => youOnlyHadOneJob(reservoir));
logger.info(`finished the bottleneck` + counter)
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`error: ${e.message} stack :${e.stack}`);
limiter.on("depleted", function (empty) {
logger.info(`BottleNeck() - reservoir is empty. Waiting... ${limiter.options}`);
// This will be called every time the reservoir drops to 0.
// The `empty` (boolean) argument indicates whether `limiter.empty()` is currently true.