
目标:如果 pdf 行包含子字符串,则复制整个句子(跨多行)。


现在,一旦我找到这个line,我想返回迭代,直到我找到一个句子终止符:. ! ?,从上一个句子开始,然后再次向前迭代,直到下一个句子终止符。


Jupyter 笔记本:

# pip install PyPDF2
# pip install pdfplumber

# ---
# import re
import glob
import PyPDF2
import pdfplumber

# ---
phrase = "Responsible Care Company"
# SENTENCE_REGEX = re.pattern('^[A-Z][^?!.]*[?.!]$')

def scrape_sentence(sentence, lines, index):
    if '.' in lines[index] or '!' in lines[index] or '?' in lines[index]:
        return sentence.replace('\n', '').strip()
    sentence = scrape_sentence(lines[index-1] + sentence, lines, index-1)  # previous line
    sentence = scrape_sentence(sentence + lines[index+1], lines, index+1)  # 
following line    
    return sentence
# ---    
with pdfplumber.open('../data/gri/reports/GPIC_Sustainability_Report_2020__-_40_Years_of_Sustainable_Success.pdf') as opened_pdf:
    for page in opened_pdf.pages:
        text = page.extract_text()
        lines = text.split('\n')
        i = 0
        sentence = ''
        while i < len(lines):
            if 'and Knowledge of Individuals; Behaviours; Attitudes, Perception ' in lines[i]:
                sentence = scrape_sentence('', lines, i)  # !
                print(sentence)  # !
            i += 1


connection and the linkage to the relevant UN’s 17 SDGs.and Leadership. We have long realized and recognized that there


Responsible Care Company


"GPIC is a Responsible Care Company certified for RC 14001 
since July 2010."

PDF(第 2 页)

我一直在基于这个解决方案进行“回溯”迭代。我确实尝试了 a ,但它不会让你退回迭代。for-loop




2 回答 2


您收到的错误是由您的代码尝试修改 None 类型的对象引起的。

要解决此问题,有两个选项,第一个是在 if 语句中包含拆分操作

for page in opened_pdf.pages:
    text = page.extract_text()
    if text != None:
        lines = text.split('\n')
        i = 0
        sentence = ''
        while i < len(lines):
            if 'and Knowledge of Individuals; Behaviours; Attitudes, Perception ' in lines[i]:
                sentence = scrape_sentence('', lines, i)
            i += 1

或者您可以使用continue 语句跳过循环的其余部分:

for page in opened_pdf.pages:
    text = page.extract_text()
    if text == None:
    lines = text.split('\n')
    i = 0
    sentence = ''
    while i < len(lines):
        if 'and Knowledge of Individuals; Behaviours; Attitudes, Perception ' in lines[i]:
            sentence = scrape_sentence('', lines, i)  # !
            print(sentence)  # !
        i += 1
于 2021-11-29T12:45:11.443 回答




Jupyter 笔记本:

# pip install PyPDF2
# pip install pdfplumber

# ---

import glob
import PyPDF2
import pdfplumber

# ---

def scrape_sentence(phrase, lines, index):
    # -- Gather sentence 'phrase' occurs in --
    sentence = lines[index]
    print("-- sentence --", sentence)
    print("len(lines)", len(lines))
    # Previous lines
    pre_i, flag = index, 0
    while flag == 0:
        pre_i -= 1
        if pre_i <= 0:
        sentence = lines[pre_i] + sentence
        if '.' in lines[pre_i] or '!' in lines[pre_i] or '?' in lines[pre_i] or '  •  ' in lines[pre_i]:
            flag == 1
    print("\n", sentence)
    # Following lines
    post_i, flag = index, 0
    while flag == 0:
        post_i += 1
        if post_i >= len(lines):
        sentence = sentence + lines[post_i] 
        if '.' in lines[post_i] or '!' in lines[post_i] or '?' in lines[post_i] or '  •  ' in lines[pre_i]:
            flag == 1 
    print("\n", sentence)
    # -- Extract --
    sentence = sentence.replace('!', '.')
    sentence = sentence.replace('?', '.')
    sentence = sentence.split('.')
    sentence = [s for s in sentence if phrase in s]
    sentence = sentence[0].replace('\n', '').strip()  # first occurance
    return sentence

# ---

phrase = 'Global Reporting Initiative'

with pdfplumber.open('GPIC_Sustainability_Report_2016-v9_(lr).pdf') as opened_pdf:
    for page in opened_pdf.pages:
        text = page.extract_text()
        if text == None:
        lines = text.split('\n')
        i = 0
        sentence = ''
        while i < len(lines):
            if phrase in lines[i]:
                sentence = scrape_sentence(phrase, lines, i)
            i += 1


-- sentence -- 2016 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Report
len(lines) 7

 2016 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Report

 2016 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ReportIncluding: UN Global Compact - Communication on ProgressUN Global Compact - Food and Agriculture Business PrinciplesUN Global Compact - Women’s Empowerment Principlesgulf petrochemical industries companyii GPIC SuStaInabIlIty RePoRt 2016 GPIC SuStaInabIlIty RePoRt 2016 01
['2016 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ReportIncluding: UN Global Compact - Communication on ProgressUN Global Compact - Food and Agriculture Business PrinciplesUN Global Compact - Women’s Empowerment Principlesgulf petrochemical industries companyii GPIC SuStaInabIlIty RePoRt 2016 GPIC SuStaInabIlIty RePoRt 2016 01']
2016 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ReportIncluding: UN Global Compact - Communication on ProgressUN Global Compact - Food and Agriculture Business PrinciplesUN Global Compact - Women’s Empowerment Principlesgulf petrochemical industries companyii GPIC SuStaInabIlIty RePoRt 2016 GPIC SuStaInabIlIty RePoRt 2016 01

于 2021-11-30T10:02:24.893 回答