
  1. 有48个人,每个人都按技能顺序排列。
  2. 每个人都被分配到一个团队。团队由 3 个人组成。
  3. 排名前 12 的人不能与排名后的 12 人比赛。
  4. 个人只能互相玩一次。
  5. 个人之间的对抗不能超过两次(越少越好)。


下面是我试图用来解决这个问题的 ortools 代码。我认为最难的部分是确保目标函数是正确的,并且我适当地构建了约束。

最后,我有一个列(个人)和行(团队)的矩阵。有 16 支球队,我已经构建了目标函数,使得奇数行播放下面的偶数行。目标是最小化每个团队中个人排名之和的差异的绝对值:minimize(sumOf(abs(home_i - away_i) for home/away in teams)). 我不确定我是否正确地将这个成对绝对差之和转换为线性约束。


  1. 似乎成本总是1176。为什么会这样?对我来说,最佳解决方案似乎是:SUM(ABS(team1 - team2)) for all teams,并且由于团队的最小值/最大值相对接近,我预计成本会低得多,特别是考虑到我abs(team1 - team2) == 0从蛮力解决方案中获得了很多增量没有人与其他任何人一起玩过/对抗过其他任何人的初始运行。(我的运行解决方案如下所示)
  2. 如果我尝试按顺序运行此程序(以利用所玩的/反对约束),我会在第二次运行时得出一个不可行的解决方案。我创建了一个纯粹的蛮力解决方案,现在是第 5 周,并且满足这些限制没有问题。蛮力解决方案的主要问题是它现在大约运行了 5-6 天并且没有完成。
  3. 这段代码需要很长时间才能运行!我在它上面放了一个 5 分钟的计数器,因为无论运行 5 分钟还是 6 小时,它似乎都会产生相同的解决方案……而且它产生的解决方案只是在问题停止运行 6 小时后才产生的。我是否错误地指定了某些东西导致它运行这么长时间?
  4. 从问题的描述中,代码是否看起来像我想要的那样。我知道代码审查可能超出了这个问题/答案格式的范围,但我想我会问,因为可能需要简短的审查来帮助回答我是否正确指定了目标函数。


from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

from ultimate.classes import Pod, Team

def main(pods):

    # Declare pods
    # pods = [Pod(name=ix, rank=ix) for ix in range(1, 49)]
    # sorted_pods = sorted(self.pods, key=lambda x: x.rank, reverse=False)

    # Data
    num_top = 1
    num_bot = 1
    max_play_with = 1
    max_play_against = 2
    # TODO: padding for pod count not divisible by 3
    num_teams = int(len(pods) / 3)
    if len(pods) % 3 != 0:
        raise ValueError("Pods not divisible by 3.")

    # Model
    model = cp_model.CpModel()

    # Variables
    # x[i, j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
    # if worker i is assigned to team j
    x = {}
    for ii in range(len(pods)):
        for jj in range(num_teams):
            x[ii, jj] = model.NewIntVar(0, 1, '')

    # Constraints
    # Each team is composed of three pods
    for jj in range(num_teams):
        model.Add(sum([x[ii, jj] for ii in range(len(pods))]) == 3)

    # Each pod can only be assigned once
    for ii in range(len(pods)):
        model.Add(sum([x[ii, jj] for jj in range(num_teams)]) == 1)

    # Top pods cannot play bottom pods
    for ii in range(num_top):
        for jj in range(len(pods) - num_bot, len(pods)):
            for kk in range(num_teams):
                # print(f'Adding constraint: x[{ii}, {kk}], x[{jj}, {kk}]')
                # Same team constraint
                model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk], x[jj, kk]]) <= 1)
                # Opponent constraint (only add when on an even team iteration)
                if kk % 2 == 0:
                    # print(f'Adding constraint: x[{ii}, {kk}, x[{jj}, {kk + 1}]')
                    model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk], x[jj, kk + 1]]) <= 1)
                    # print(f'Adding constraint: x[{ii}, {kk + 1}], x[{jj}, {kk}]')
                    model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk + 1], x[jj, kk]]) <= 1)

    # Pods cannot play with someone more than max_play_with
    for ii in range(len(pods)):
        # print(f'POD: {pod}')
        # print(f'Played with: {[key.rank for key in pod.played_with}]')
        for teammate in pods[ii].played_with:
            # Add the constraint
            if ii == 0:
                print(f'Pod: {pods[ii].rank}::: With: {teammate.rank}')
            for kk in range(num_teams):
                limit = max_play_with - pods[ii].played_with[teammate]['count']
                # print(f'WITH: x[{ii}, {kk}], x[{teammate.rank - 1, kk}]')
                model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk], x[teammate.rank - 1, kk]]) <= limit)

    # Pods cannot play against someone more than max_play_against
    for ii in range(len(pods)):
        # print(f'POD: {pod}')
        # print(f'Played against: {[key.rank for key in pod.played_against}]')
        for opponent in pods[ii].played_against:
            # Add the constraint
            if ii == 0:
                print(f'Pod: {pods[ii].rank}::: Against: {opponent.rank}')
            for kk in range(num_teams):
                limit = max_play_against - pods[ii].played_against[opponent]['count']
                # print(f'AGAINST: x[{ii}, {kk}], x[{opponent.rank - 1}, {kk}] <= {limit}]')
                model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk], x[opponent.rank - 1, kk]]) <= limit)

    # Objective
    homes = []
    aways = []
    for jj in range(num_teams):
        for ii in range(len(pods)):
            if jj % 2 == 0:
                homes.append(pods[ii].rank * x[ii, jj])
                aways.append(pods[ii].rank * x[ii, jj])

    # Pairwise sum of abs differences: need to minimize in obj fn
    # x_loss_abs = [model.NewIntVar(0, 1000000, 'x_loss_abs_%i' % i) for i in range(len(homes))]

    x_loss_abs = []
    for ih in range(len(homes)):
        # v = model.NewIntVar(-1000000, 1000000, 'v')  # Temporary variable
        # model.Add(v == (homes[ih] - aways[ih])
        # model.AddAbsEquality(x_loss_abs[ih], v)
        # Different attempt:
        v1 = model.NewIntVar(0, 1000, 'v1_%i' % ih)
        model.Add(homes[ih] - aways[ih] <= v1)
        model.Add(aways[ih] - homes[ih] <= v1)

    # print('***matchups***')

    # Solve
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 60 * 5
    solver.parameters.num_search_workers = 8
    status = solver.Solve(model)

    # Print solution
    if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL or status == cp_model.FEASIBLE:
        print(f'Total cost = {solver.ObjectiveValue()}\n')
        pod_teams = {}
        for jj in range(num_teams):
            for ii in range(len(pods)):
                # Test if x[ii, jj] is 1 (with tolerance for floating point arithmetic).
                # if x[ii, jj].solution_value() > 0.5:
                if solver.BooleanValue(x[ii, jj]):
                    if jj in pod_teams:
                        pod_teams[jj] = [pods[ii]]
        teams = []
        for tt in range(len(pod_teams)):
            print(f'Team{tt}: {sum([pod.rank for pod in pod_teams[tt]])} Pods: {[pod.rank for pod in pod_teams[tt]]}')
            team = Team(pods=pod_teams[tt])
        return teams

    elif status == cp_model.INFEASIBLE:
        print('INFEASIBLE SOLUTION')
        return None

        print('NO SOLUTION')
        return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pods = [Pod(name=ix, rank=ix) for ix in range(1, 49)]

class Pod:
    is_bottom = False
    is_top = False

    def __init__(self, name, rank):
        self.name = name
        self.rank = rank
        self.played_with = {}
        self.played_against = {}

    def play_with(self, pod):
        if pod in self.played_with:
            self.played_with[pod]['count'] += 1
            # self.played_with (things like week, etc. could go here)
            self.played_with[pod] = {'count': 1}

    def play_against(self, pod):
        if pod in self.played_against:
            self.played_against[pod]['count'] += 1
            self.played_against[pod] = {'count': 1}

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.name)

一次运行后的收益:(我不知道为什么......我原以为成本会产生 Sum(abs(team0 - team1) + ... + abs(team14 - team15)) == (37 + 31 + 11 + 3 + 19 + 3 + 9 + 1) == 114:)

Total cost = 1176.0

Team0: 82 Pods: [1, 39, 42]
Team1: 119 Pods: [38, 40, 41]
Team2: 72 Pods: [2, 33, 37]
Team3: 103 Pods: [32, 35, 36]
Team4: 76 Pods: [18, 27, 31]
Team5: 87 Pods: [28, 29, 30]
Team6: 72 Pods: [21, 25, 26]
Team7: 69 Pods: [22, 23, 24]
Team8: 70 Pods: [16, 20, 34]
Team9: 51 Pods: [15, 17, 19]
Team10: 36 Pods: [9, 13, 14]
Team11: 33 Pods: [10, 11, 12]
Team12: 141 Pods: [46, 47, 48]
Team13: 132 Pods: [43, 44, 45]
Team14: 16 Pods: [3, 5, 8]
Team15: 17 Pods: [4, 6, 7]

连续两次运行后的产量(错误),其中第一次运行的输出被缓存并且个人的队友/对手更新:生成一天的第一个时间表......总成本 = 1176.0

Team0: 82 Pods: [1, 39, 42]
Team1: 119 Pods: [38, 40, 41]
Team2: 72 Pods: [2, 33, 37]
Team3: 103 Pods: [32, 35, 36]
Team4: 76 Pods: [18, 27, 31]
Team5: 87 Pods: [28, 29, 30]
Team6: 72 Pods: [21, 25, 26]
Team7: 69 Pods: [22, 23, 24]
Team8: 70 Pods: [16, 20, 34]
Team9: 51 Pods: [15, 17, 19]
Team10: 36 Pods: [9, 13, 14]
Team11: 33 Pods: [10, 11, 12]
Team12: 141 Pods: [46, 47, 48]
Team13: 132 Pods: [43, 44, 45]
Team14: 16 Pods: [3, 5, 8]
Team15: 17 Pods: [4, 6, 7]
****len(teams): 16
generating first schedule of day...
Pod: 1::: With: 39
Pod: 1::: With: 42
Pod: 1::: Against: 38
Pod: 1::: Against: 40
Pod: 1::: Against: 41

1 回答 1


根据@ChristopherHamkins 在评论中的出色建议,这个问题被隔离为两件事:

  1. 我错误地指定了团队与团队的约束,并且没有正确总结团队中的 pod。代码已更正为以下内容:
# Objective
homes = []
aways = []
for jj in range(num_teams):
    if jj % 2 == 0:
        homes.append(sum([pods[ii].rank * x[ii, jj] for ii in range(len(pods))]))
        aways.append(sum([pods[ii].rank * x[ii, jj] for ii in range(len(pods))]))
  1. limit规范的规范错误地将总和设置为应为 的时间。现在已修复:played_withplayed_against<= 0<= 1
# Pods cannot play with someone more than max_play_with
for ii in range(len(pods)):
    # print(f'POD: {pod}')
    # print(f'Played with: {[key.rank for key in pod.played_with}]')
    for teammate in pods[ii].played_with:
        # Add the constraint
        if ii == 0:
            print(f'Pod: {pods[ii].rank}::: With: {teammate.rank}')
        for kk in range(num_teams):
            limit = 2 if max_play_with - pods[ii].played_with[teammate]['count'] > 0 else 1
            if limit == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"LIMIT IS 0:\npod: {pods[ii]}\nConstraint:"
                    f'WITH: x[{ii}, {kk}], x[{teammate.rank - 1, kk}]'
            # print(f'WITH: x[{ii}, {kk}], x[{teammate.rank - 1, kk}]')
            model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk], x[teammate.rank - 1, kk]]) <= limit)

# Pods cannot play against someone more than max_play_against
for ii in range(len(pods)):
    # print(f'POD: {pod}')
    # print(f'Played against: {[key.rank for key in pod.played_against}]')
    for opponent in pods[ii].played_against:
        # Add the constraint
        if ii == 0:
            print(f'Pod: {pods[ii].rank}::: Against: {opponent.rank}')
        for kk in range(num_teams):
            limit = 2 if max_play_with - pods[ii].played_against[opponent]['count'] > 0 else 1
            # print(f'AGAINST: x[{ii}, {kk}], x[{opponent.rank - 1}, {kk}] <= {limit}]')
            model.Add(sum([x[ii, kk], x[opponent.rank - 1, kk]]) <= limit)

代码现在可以正确执行而没有错误。我将分析结果以确保在我今天完成工作时适当地产生它们,但INFEASIBLE SOLUTION问题的症结已经解决。

于 2021-11-29T19:43:23.873 回答