例如,如果我有 2 个流,stream1 和 stream2,我想创建一个函数,它根据 stream1 的值作为流返回 stream2 或 null。我怎样才能做到这一点?
我试图映射stream1并根据事件产生stream2,但它不起作用。我也听不到 stream1 和基于事件 yield stream2。
Stream<Data1?> getStream1() async* {
// yield stream1
Stream<Data2?> getStream2(dynamic value) async* {
//yield stream2 based on value
Stream<Data2?> getStream12() async* {
final stream1 = getStream1();
// not working
yield* stream1.map((event) => event == null ? null : getStream2(event.var));
// I also tried await for, but it has a strange behaviour
// if I listen to the stream after (it's inconsistent)
await for (var event in stream1) {
if (event == null) {
yield null;
} else {
yield* getStream2(event.var);
是否有任何解决方案,最好没有任何额外的包依赖项,如 rxdart,只是纯 dart?