我正在尝试将 Sharpspring 表单脚本嵌入到我的 React (page.jsx) 组件中。要使此表单成功加载,它需要放置在元素<head></head>
我需要嵌入的原始 HTML 代码如下所示:
<!-- SharpSpring Form -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var ss_form = {'account': 'MzawMDE3tzQzBQ', 'formID': 'szBIMrFMSzbXTUm0TNM1MTc107VMNbfQTTRJTExOTUoySk4zAA'};
ss_form.width = '100%';
ss_form.domain = 'app-3QNK98WC9.marketingautomation.services';
// ss_form.hidden = {'field_id': 'value'}; // Modify this for sending hidden variables, or overriding values
// ss_form.target_id = 'target'; // Optional parameter: forms will be placed inside the element with the specified id
// ss_form.polling = true; // Optional parameter: set to true ONLY if your page loads dynamically and the id needs to be polled continually.
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://koi-3QNK98WC9.marketingautomation.services/client/form.js?ver=2.0.1"></script>
我正在尝试以这种方式将其嵌入到 page.jsx 中:
import React from "react";
function myComponent() {
var ss_form = {'account': 'MzawMDE3tzQzBQA', 'formID': 'szBIMrFMSzbXTUm0TNM1MTc107VMNbfQTTRJTExOTUoySk4zAAA'};
ss_form.width = '100%';
ss_form.domain = 'app-3QNK98WC9Y.marketingautomation.services';
return (
<div className="form">
<script src="https://koi-3QNK98WC9Y.marketingautomation.services/client/form.js?ver=2.0.1" type="text/javascript" />
export default myComponent;
Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {account, formID, width, domain}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.