
我正在尝试使用带有采样器参数的 CIColorKernel 或 CIBlendKernel,但程序崩溃了。这是我编译成功的着色器代码。

extern "C" float4 wipeLinear(coreimage::sampler t1, coreimage::sampler t2, float time) {
    float2 coord1 = t1.coord();
    float2 coord2 = t2.coord();

    float4 innerRect = t2.extent();

    float minX = innerRect.x + time*innerRect.z;
    float minY = innerRect.y + time*innerRect.w;
    float cropWidth = (1 - time) * innerRect.w;
    float cropHeight = (1 - time) * innerRect.z;

    float4 s1 = t1.sample(coord1);
    float4 s2 = t2.sample(coord2);

   if ( coord1.x > minX && coord1.x < minX + cropWidth && coord1.y > minY && coord1.y <= minY + cropHeight) {
       return s1;
   } else {
      return s2;


class CIWipeRenderer: CIFilter {
var backgroundImage:CIImage?
var foregroundImage:CIImage?
var  inputTime: Float = 0.0

static var kernel:CIColorKernel = { () -> CIColorKernel in

    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "AppCIKernels", withExtension: "ci.metallib")!
    let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
    return try! CIColorKernel(functionName: "wipeLinear", fromMetalLibraryData: data) //Crashes here!!!!

override var outputImage: CIImage? {
    guard let backgroundImage = backgroundImage else {
        return nil
    guard let foregroundImage = foregroundImage else {
        return nil
    return CIWipeRenderer.kernel.apply(extent: backgroundImage.extent, arguments: [backgroundImage, foregroundImage, inputTime])


它在 try 行中崩溃并出现以下错误:

 Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Foundation._GenericObjCError.nilError


  extern "C" float4 wipeLinear(coreimage::sample_t s1, coreimage::sample_t s2, float time)
     return mix(s1, s2, time);



3 回答 3


是的,您不能在CIColorKernelor中使用采样器CIBlendKernel。这些内核针对从输入像素到输出像素的 1:1 映射的用例进行了优化。这允许 Core Image 在一个命令缓冲区中执行多个这些内核,因为它们不需要任何中间缓冲区写入。

您可以简单地使用 aCIKernel代替。当您需要更自由地对输入进行采样时,可以使用它。


static var kernel: CIKernel = {
    let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "AppCIKernels", withExtension: "ci.metallib")!
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: URL)
    return try! CIKernel(functionName: "wipeLinear", fromMetalLibraryData: data)

调用内核时,您现在还需要提供一个 ROI 回调,如下所示:

let roiCallback: CIKernelROICallback = { index, rect -> CGRect in
    return rect // you need the same region from the input as the output

// or even shorter
let roiCallback: CIKernelROICallback = { $1 }
return CIWipeRenderer.kernel.apply(extent: backgroundImage.extent, roiCallback: roiCallback, arguments: [backgroundImage, foregroundImage, inputTime])
于 2021-11-25T10:22:35.980 回答

对于您的用例,您实际上可以使用CIColorKernel. 您只需要将渲染目标的范围也传递给内核,然后您就不需要采样器来访问它。


extern "C" float4 wipeLinear(coreimage::sample_t t1, coreimage::sample_t t2, float4 destinationExtent, float time, coreimage::destination destination) {
    float minX = destinationExtent.x + time * destinationExtent.z;
    float minY = destinationExtent.y + time * destinationExtent.w;
    float cropWidth = (1.0 - time) * destinationExtent.w;
    float cropHeight = (1.0 - time) * destinationExtent.z;

    float2 destCoord = destination.coord();

   if ( destCoord.x > minX && destCoord.x < minX + cropWidth && destCoord.y > minY && destCoord.y <= minY + cropHeight) {
       return t1;
   } else {
      return t2;


let destinationExtent = CIVector(cgRect: backgroundImage.extent)
return CIWipeRenderer.kernel.apply(extent: backgroundImage.extent, arguments: [backgroundImage, foregroundImage, destinationExtent, inputTime])

请注意,destination内核中的最后一个参数是由 Core Image 自动传递的。您无需将其与arguments.

于 2021-11-25T12:39:01.947 回答



class CIWipeRenderer: CIFilter {
    var backgroundImage:CIImage?
    var foregroundImage:CIImage?
    var inputTime: CGFloat = 0.0

    override var outputImage: CIImage? {
        guard let backgroundImage = backgroundImage else { return nil }
        guard let foregroundImage = foregroundImage else { return nil }

        // crop the foreground based on time
        var foregroundCrop = foregroundImage.extent
        foregroundCrop.size.width *= inputTime
        foregroundCrop.size.height *= inputTime

        return foregroundImage.cropped(to: foregroundCrop).composited(over: backgroundImage)
于 2021-11-25T12:50:16.070 回答