我有一个要求用户输入密码的 Perl 脚本。如何在用户键入时仅回显“*”来代替用户键入的字符?
我正在使用 Windows XP/Vista。
use IO::Prompt;
my $password = prompt('Password:', -e => '*');
print "$password\n";
如果您不想使用任何软件包...仅适用于 UNIX
您可以使用 Term::ReadKey。这是一个非常简单的示例,对退格键和删除键进行了一些检测。我已经在 Mac OS X 10.5 上对其进行了测试,但根据ReadKey 手册,它应该可以在 Windows 下运行。手册指出在 Windows下使用非阻塞读取 ( ReadKey(-1)
) 将失败。这就是为什么我使用基本上是 ReadKey(0) 的原因getc
(更多关于 getc 在libc 手册中)。
use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadKey;
my $key = 0;
my $password = "";
print "\nPlease input your password: ";
# Start reading the keys
ReadMode(4); #Disable the control keys
while(ord($key = ReadKey(0)) != 10)
# This will continue until the Enter key is pressed (decimal value of 10)
# For all value of ord($key) see http://www.asciitable.com/
if(ord($key) == 127 || ord($key) == 8) {
# DEL/Backspace was pressed
#1. Remove the last char from the password
#2 move the cursor back by one, print a blank character, move the cursor back by one
print "\b \b";
} elsif(ord($key) < 32) {
# Do nothing with these control characters
} else {
$password = $password.$key;
print "*(".ord($key).")";
ReadMode(0); #Reset the terminal once we are done
print "\n\nYour super secret password is: $password\n";
基于 Pierr-Luc 的程序,只是在反斜杠上添加了一些控制。有了这个,你不能一直按反斜杠:
sub passwordDisplay() {
my $password = "";
# Start reading the keys
ReadMode(4); #Disable the control keys
my $count = 0;
while(ord($key = ReadKey(0)) != 10) {
# This will continue until the Enter key is pressed (decimal value of 10)
# For all value of ord($key) see http://www.asciitable.com/
if(ord($key) == 127 || ord($key) == 8) {
# DEL/Backspace was pressed
if ($count > 0) {
#1. Remove the last char from the password
#2 move the cursor back by one, print a blank character, move the cursor back by one
print "\b \b";
elsif(ord($key) >= 32) {
$password = $password.$key;
print "*";
ReadMode(0); #Reset the terminal once we are done
return $password;
使用 Pierr-Luc 的程序
# Start reading the keys
ReadMode(4); #Disable the control keys
while(ord($key = ReadKey(0)) != '13' )
# This will continue until the Enter key is pressed (decimal value of 10)
# For all value of ord($key) see http://www.asciitable.com/
if(ord($key) == 127 || ord($key) == 8 && (length($password) > 0)) {
# DEL/Backspace was pressed
#1. Remove the last char from the password
#2 move the cursor back by one, print a blank character, move the cursor back by one
print "\b \b";
} elsif(ord($key) > 32) {
$password = $password.$key;
print "*";
ReadMode(0); #Reset the terminal once we are done