What is the minimal set of steps to properly enable gitlab's "auto devops" feature for an Android project? After enabling the feature I get a pipeline but not the jobs I would expect such as assembleDebug, etc.

Steps taken to enable Auto Devops (clicking through gitlab UI):

gitlab -> project(git repo) ->
settings -> CI/CD -> 
Auto Devops -> Expand -> 
"Default to Auto DevOps pipeline" & "Automatic deployment to staging, manual deployment to production

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There is an "auto devops template" maintained here. Utilizing that file is as simple as creating a .gitlab-ci.yml file (at the root of your android project) and then include that file as the template you want to use:

  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Android.gitlab-ci.yml
  - template: Android.gitlab-ci.yml

That's it.

(To take it a step further and stay on the "bleeding edge" of java/android versions, see this answer)

于 2021-11-23T15:18:49.567 回答