我编写了这样一个代码来获取基于 DST 的特定纪元时间的时区:

def getTimeZoneFromEpoch(epoch)
    if time.daylight and time.gmtime(epoch).tm_isdst==1:
        return -time.altzone/3600.0
        return -time.timezone/3600.0

但我不确定它是否正确,事实上目前我错了 1 小时。也许我应该在这段代码中交换 altzone 和 timezone,但这不是我从 python 的帮助(时间模块)中理解的:

timezone -- difference in seconds between UTC and local standard time
altzone -- difference in  seconds between UTC and local DST time
    1 if summer time is in effect, 0 if not, and -1 if unknown



3 回答 3


我已测试此代码以获取 VM 的区域设置 UTC 偏移量。顺便说一句,这仅在测量时才真正有效。我不确定您的代码是否等效。

def local_ephemeral_UTC_offset(epoch_time=None):
  u"Returns a datetime.timedelta object representing the local time offset from UTC at the moment"
  if epoch_time == None:
    epoch_time = time()
  return datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time) - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch_time)
于 2011-08-10T14:07:22.007 回答



from time import *

def getTimeZoneFromEpoch(epoch):
    if daylight and gmtime(epoch).tm_isdst==1:
        return -altzone/3600.0
        return -timezone/3600.0

print "                               tm_isdst of     tm_isdst of   time zone's\n" + \
      '                    epoch     gmtime(epoch)  localtime(epoch)  offset'
for d in ('13/03/2011', # DST start date in USA
          '06/11/2011', # DST end date in USA
          '27/03/2011', # DST start date in Europe
          '30/10/2011', # DST end date in Europe
    if d:
        ds = strptime(d,'%d/%m/%Y')
        epoch = mktime(ds)
        lt = localtime(epoch)
        gt = gmtime(epoch)
        print '%s  %s  %12s %11s  %7s  %17s' % (d,ds.tm_isdst,epoch,gt.tm_isdst,lt.tm_isdst,getTimeZoneFromEpoch(epoch))

将我的时钟设置为“UTC-07:00 落基山脉”时区,夏令时从 2011 年 3 月 13 日开始,到 2011 年 11 月 6 日结束,结果是:

                               tm_isdst of     tm_isdst of   time zone's
                    epoch     gmtime(epoch)  localtime(epoch)  offset
13/03/2011  -1  1299999600.0           0        0               -7.0
14/03/2011  -1  1300082400.0           0        1               -7.0

06/11/2011  -1  1320559200.0           0        1               -7.0
07/11/2011  -1  1320649200.0           0        0               -7.0

27/03/2011  -1  1301205600.0           0        1               -7.0
28/03/2011  -1  1301292000.0           0        1               -7.0

30/10/2011  -1  1319954400.0           0        1               -7.0
31/10/2011  -1  1320040800.0           0        1               -7.0

将我的时钟设置为“UTC+01:00 West Continental Europe”时区,夏令时从 2011 年 3 月 27 日开始,到 2011 年 10 月 30 日结束,结果是:

                               tm_isdst of     tm_isdst of   time zone's
                    epoch     gmtime(epoch)  localtime(epoch)  offset
13/03/2011  -1  1299970800.0           0        0                1.0
14/03/2011  -1  1300057200.0           0        0                1.0

06/11/2011  -1  1320534000.0           0        0                1.0
07/11/2011  -1  1320620400.0           0        0                1.0

27/03/2011  -1  1301180400.0           0        0                1.0
28/03/2011  -1  1301263200.0           0        1                1.0

30/10/2011  -1  1319925600.0           0        1                1.0
31/10/2011  -1  1320015600.0           0        0                1.0
于 2011-08-10T15:21:09.650 回答

感谢您的帮助,除了您建议的两种方法外,我还找到了一个更灵活(也许更兼容)的版本,它也可以采用时区对象(或仅使用本地区域)并返回 UTC 偏移量

只是这个 AmbiguousTimeError 部分让我感到困惑,但我做了一些事情来使它(有点)在所有情况下都能正常工作。

from datetime import datetime
import pytz
from tzlocal import get_localzone

def getUtcOffsetByEpoch(epoch, tz=None):
    if not tz:
        tz = get_localzone()
    delta = 0
    while True:
            return tz.utcoffset(datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch + delta)).total_seconds()
        except pytz.exceptions.AmbiguousTimeError:## FIXME
            #d = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch+3600)
            #print('AmbiguousTimeError', d.year, d.month, d.day, d.hour, d.minute, d.second)
            delta += 3600
            print('delta = %s'%delta)
        except (
            return tz._utcoffset.total_seconds()
于 2014-04-17T09:10:26.203 回答