; Author:
; Course:
; Student Number:
; Date:
; Purpose: To illustrate how to solve an equation such as:
; f(x) = 5x + 3 for x = 0 to 9, using 8-bit Multiplication
; The calculated x in f(x) values will be placed into the X_Values array
; The calculated f(x) values will be placed into the Results array
ARRAY_LEN equ 10 ; Number of values to calculate (10): x = 0 to 9
FIVE equ $5 ; Need two arrays of length ARRAY_LEN
THREE equ $3
db $0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9 ; - one holds x = 0 to 9
db X-X_End ; - one holds f(x) results
org $1020 ; org as per assignment instructions
ds ARRAY_LEN ; Complete this line of code
; Value of x used in calculation stored here
org $1030 ; org as per assignment instructions
ds ARRAY_LEN ; Complete this line of code
; Result of f(x) calculation stored here
; Expected Results
; x x x x x x x x x x
; $1020 $1021 $1022 $1023 $1024 $1025 $1026 $1027 $1028 $1029
; 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
; f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x) f(x)
; $1030 $1031 $1032 $1033 $1034 $1035 $1036 $1037 $1038 $1039
; 03 08 0d 12 17 1c 21 26 2b 30
org $2000
start lds #$2000 ; Stack Initialization
begin ldx #X ; Points to the beginning of x array
ldy #Results ; Points to the beginning of X_Values
Loop ldaa 1,x+ ;Get the X values
ldab #FIVE ;load 5 to b
staa fx
mul a,b ;Multiply a to b
addb #THREE
stab 1,y+
bra Check ; Go to Check block for looping
Check cpx #X_End
bne Loop
HSC12 汇编程序 - 解决 f(x) = 5x+3,我能够将方程的结果正确地放入内存中,价格为 1030 美元。我无法将 x 数组值 0-9 放入 x_values 的内存位置。另外我如何使用 fx 数组来保存结果并将它们放在结果的内存位置?任何帮助将非常感激 !很难找到有关此主题的资源。谢谢你。